KotH Ball Octagon Arena

Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by TheUnseenForce, Oct 11, 2010.

  1. TheUnseenForce

    TheUnseenForce Forerunner
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    This is my first map post on ForgeHub... Hopefully you guys like it.

    If you don't know what KotH Ball is than visit this thread first:

    The original concept of KotH Ball

    Pretty cool, huh? At least I thought it was, so I made this map. Basically it is an octagon shaped arena for the game KotH ball. I took some recomendations from the post above and incorporated them into this map. I know it looks very simple, but I decided that making a complicated map for a simple game was a bad idea. It seemed anything aestetic I placed looked bad, so I put extremely little. If you have any suggestions, feel free to tell me.

    The game type is set at 150 points to win by default. This is for a LONG game. For a medium length game, set it to 100 points to win. For a short game, set it to 50 points to win.

    NOTE: All credit for the orignial concept goes to Urban Myth. Be sure to check out the link above.

    Here are a few pictures:





    Here are some photos after the new update:



    Looks fun? I sure hope it is!
    #1 TheUnseenForce, Oct 11, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2010
  2. Urban Myth

    Urban Myth Ancient
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    I'm going to honest, it feels good to know you wanted to make a map for my gametype. But I never released the actual game or a map for it, so I'm curious as to how you have a gametype I made and never posted a link to or even loaded up to my file share. Either you made your own gametype imitating mine or you tested with me and saved the game after.

    Again, I'm happy you made a map for my game but it would've been nice if you asked me before posting, and I just ask that you change the gametype link to mine when I perfect it and post it.
  3. Rigest

    Rigest Ancient
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    It's no class that you didn't ask Urban Myth first. He came up with the idea so he should be the first to release a map with the gametype. He was so nice sharing his idea and now you steal it.
  4. TheUnseenForce

    TheUnseenForce Forerunner
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    Wow, im kind of surprised you posted on my map. (But not really when I think about it.) to be honest I did simply imitate this gametype off of yours. I was hoping that people would click on the link above and see your cool idea, and that would be giving you credit for it. I see now that I should be a bit more specific. I just saw your post and thought it was a really cool idea. The result is this arena. In no way was I trying to steal your idea, I just wanted to be able to play soon (You can take that as a compliment) with my friends.

    For the record, anyone reading this know that it originally was Urban Myth's idea.

    Added after 2 minutes:

    I was not trying to steal his idea. I was using his idea. Do you say to everyone who makes a Grifball map that they are stealing someone else's idea? I know this is different since I was not the original owner of the idea, but I tried to give him some credit (see above).
    #4 TheUnseenForce, Oct 12, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2010
  5. Urban Myth

    Urban Myth Ancient
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    I'm not accusing you of grand theft gametype, but what may happen is that people see your gametype with you as the author and therefore thinking that you are the creator. That's my only real concern. Aside from that, I'm glad your a fan of KoTH Ball and I encourage you to keep playing and to leave the map on your file share. I do recommend a golf ball though, the distance it travels is much greater than the soccer ball's.

    I appreciate you coming to my defense but there was really no need since I already stated everything in the post above. :D
    #5 Urban Myth, Oct 12, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2010
  6. TheUnseenForce

    TheUnseenForce Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Ill be sure to change the link to the gametype to yours once you release it. Also, thanks for the golf ball tip. I assumed they had the same weight.

    By the way, anyone have an idea of how to improve the aestetics on this without making it look overdone? I'm really struggling to find a way.
    #6 TheUnseenForce, Oct 12, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2010
  7. Hippie Gamer

    Hippie Gamer Forerunner

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    Urban Myth who cares if you "found it first" (how would u know anyways), let the guy share his own arena.. geesh
  8. ReeyferMaddness

    ReeyferMaddness Forerunner

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    Eh... what? I realize he got the idea from you, but how exactly is this stealing? You didn't invent this gametype, bungie did. You're not changing object files and modifying scripts to make an original mod, you're switching a couple variables to make something they obviously intended when they allowed hills to be attached to physics objects.

    Its just kind of silly to argue over credit on this. If he makes tweaks to the game type for it to fit his map, or if he made his own game type, then there's nothing wrong with it saying his name instead of yours on it. What exactly did he copy? He made his own settings for a custom game based on something that he saw someone else do. That'd be like the guy who posted a crazy warthog king map a while back saying that anyone who did crazy king with vehicles had to credit him from there on out.

    I'm sorry I know this comes off as contrarian, but it just sorta rubs me wrong to see people arguing over credit for what boils down to a set of custom settings. Thats not a map, its not a mod. Halo has more complicated custom settings than most games, sure, because they wanted to allow the ghost of modding in a code-free environment. But its still not modding, it doesn't require any originality or skill, and its not something you should feel possessive over. You know a hundred randoms have probably already made this EXACT game mode on their own or with friends, just like all of the more simple game modes that could be thought up within this customization system, and its not like you gave credit to any of those people.

    Again, sorry for being contrary but I really don't get the issue. If someone rips your game mode, writes down all the variables and copies them on a piece of paper then makes a clone game type with their own name then yeah, they should have given you credit. But if they just see something you made and go out and easily make something similar it doesn't mean they stole, it just means you didn't do much. ANd you didn't even make a map for the original thread you posted, it was just a set of very basic obvious settings playing in a blank colliseum. What did he copy?

    I've seen a dozen realism mods on battlefield games where people have tweaked the same variables to nearly the same values and they're not bickering back and forth between each other about who ripped who, they just let the most popular mod float to the top. ANd those people are directly modifying all the game's variables, not piddling with a handful of them. Nothin' to argue about with reach unless someone just rips a whole map. (complicated, not basic, because any basic map in this engine is going to get repeated by a dozen different people without them ever seeing each other's work, its not a complex editor after all),
  9. Hippie Gamer

    Hippie Gamer Forerunner

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    AMEN! Forge isnt about who "found it first" its about sharing maps to be enjoyed by others
  10. TheUnseenForce

    TheUnseenForce Forerunner
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    I really appreciate you guys coming to my aid in this argument- I do believe all your points are valid. However, I do believe Urban Myth should get some credit here. I did base my gametye off of his and my map off the gametype. SoI think I have came up with a comprimisie. When Urban Myth releases his gametype I will see which one works best with my map. If mine works better than I'll keep mine and vice-versa. I will continue to give him credit for inspiring me, but I do not think that future maps like this should nesscesarily have to give him credit because as the game becomes more popular, the amount of people you could of heard about it from might be endless. Hopefully we can all agree on this.
  11. Rigest

    Rigest Ancient
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    I'd suggest making stairs on the sides. It will give it more of an arena feeling
  12. Urban Myth

    Urban Myth Ancient
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    Your statement is very ignorant and I just want you to know that. Also, I'd love to know what "geesh" means. Care to enlighten us?

    "I'm sorry I know this comes off as contrarian, but it just sorta rubs me wrong to see people arguing over credit for what boils down to a set of custom settings."

    I really don't understand your concern, I was never irritated or enraged about this and you are spending way more time arguing than I even pondered about. Why are you so aggrivated? I handled this situation very maturely and I'm sure that many people in my position would have done something similar. I was respectful in my post, I told him not to worry, that I'm not mad at him, and I actually thanked him in this "arguement" for liking my concept and making a map for it.

    The statements you've made in your arguement are very offensive to most people on this site.

    "You didn't invent this gametype, bungie did."

    That is mindless to say, you and I both know that.

    "Halo has more complicated custom settings than most games, sure, because they wanted to allow the ghost of modding in a code-free environment. But its still not modding, it doesn't require any originality or skill, and its not something you should feel possessive over."

    To say that there is no skill in making a gametype is just careless of you. I'm not regularly a mini game maker because I can't come up with concepts like Buddahcrane or Time Glitch, who are still genious. And please explain how it's more original to come up with gametypes with no limitations (modding) but there is no skill involved in using only what the game gives you to make something different (which was a major skill in Halo 3 map making when it came down to using pieces).

    I'm seriously considering not finishing the gametype now because of it's similarities to other games out there that I didn't know about. But if you find out an idea on your own, it's original. If you release a game you came up with on your own but there is a similar one, you get harrassed for it. I know this from experience in H3 forging, people would accuse me of stealing structures or ideas that someone else has come up with on there own as well. This is the reason I posted a preview, so that my idea would be out before it's perfected, just so that people know what I'm making.

    "ANd you didn't even make a map for the original thread you posted, it was just a set of very basic obvious settings playing in a blank colliseum. What did he copy?"

    But to make my own gametype for someone else's map and claim that the map is mine as well is wrong, right? I'm not saying Unseen did that, in fact he posted the link to my preview so he was obviosly NOT stealing or attempting to steal (stop accusing him of it everyone), I'm just saying that your point is flawed and to be totally honest, I'm not quoting anymore of what you wrote because it all narrows down to one thing that you could've summed up.

    So enough arguing, the posters are more aggrivated than Unseen and I are anyway. Unseen is NOT stealing my idea and I'm not aggrivated in any manor. Unseen and I have settled this maturely, if you really feel the need to discuss more then take it to the private messages and only post what you think about the actual map or game here. Sorry if this is technically defined as spam, I don't know if it is, I just want this arguement to end and I'm sure Unseen feels the same.
    #12 Urban Myth, Oct 13, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2010
  13. Sparky09

    Sparky09 Forerunner

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    I haven't seen any posts on the feedback of this map. Cut the spam, and actually discuss the map, credit has been given, so let's end it there.

    The map itself didn't work for me. The Hill was on the ball, but not coming out of the ball, and no one could get it. Could you take a look at the map, because It wasn't working for me.
  14. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    Let's not turn this into a grand debate. Simply put: If you want to argue, do it in the General Chat section, not on someone's map please.
  15. Lamasutra

    Lamasutra Forerunner

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    People who play don't care about who is the creator, so thank you both for this map.
  16. TheUnseenForce

    TheUnseenForce Forerunner
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    Did you download it after the new update? I know it worked before the update, but I'll take a look. It's probably something simple and it should be fixed soon.
  17. FlamingMicrowav

    FlamingMicrowav Forerunner

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    that was really really cool man keep it up
  18. TheUnseenForce

    TheUnseenForce Forerunner
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    For future notice, this is regarded as spam. I have no idea what you are talking about and it would help if you cold be a bit more descriptive.

    Added after 56 minutes:

    I tested it up today, and it worked fine. I'm not sure what the problem is for you but the game worked smoothly for me. Maybe you have the wrong gametype? Is anyone else having this problem?

    Also, should I make the game 25-50 points to win but 3-5 rounds?

    Added after 1 Day 15 Hours:

    Hey guys, I found out the problem with the hill on the ball. Turns out that I had the wrong download link and it gave you an older version of the map. I fixed this, and the game should actually work now.

    Also, I discovered that 5 short rounds is better than one long game, so I will change the gametype in the near future.
    #18 TheUnseenForce, Oct 16, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2010

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