ok idk if this is in wrong forum or not but anyhow. I need a bit of help with a gametype im making. Problem is i want it to be a demoderby so i want it so no one can beat people down or shoot people. Problem is every set up i do and the set up i got from halo 3 dont work. Instead the person out of the arthog bounces off the car. So anyone know how to help me by getting to were you cant beat down and shoot the people but you can splatter them?
tried it. Melee damage only effects hits by beat down button. Regular damage by right trigger. So it still kills you. I dont understand though. in halo 3 you could make players unkillable but assassinations and spallters could still kill you. In here you can turn assassinations on and off but not splattering they just mixed it in with damage.
try setting mellee to 0% and bullet damange or damage modifier or whatever its called, i think swords RT is classified as bullets. Edit: I tested this out and it works fine, put swords with 0%melee and modifier and you will be good
Basically, just do what everyone else said. Melee = 0% and look for something along the lines of guns and things. I think Wraith's idea is good. Give everyone swords with melee damage on zero