Well it sounds fun, good luck with it. I am surely going to download it once you guys are finished making it. I will probably see if I can play-test it as well.
One thing I have noticed, for anyone planning to work on it, is that you will need at least three on three for the variant to be of any use. So I'm going to end up having to line up for the Tester's Guild, because I only have three friends I can use.
i like the idea of spawning maybe a fourth to a third of the elites in a "prison" and having them fight spartans to open a door leading towards a core room, while the main force of elites attack from the outside trying to get in. The elites move on once they plant a bomb in either doorway, and the explosion will open both doors) Once one objective is achieved, they move on to capturing generators (just normal territories) that produce shields blocking entrance to the core. There are still two seperate elite squads at this point however. Once the shields are deactivated the core room becomes available for both squads of the elites, and they must team up to return it to their mobile HQ set-up outside the Spartan base. (some form of small ship or building) I have no clue how spawns would work so any advice would be awesome.
The way I'm attempting to work it? Fireteams 0 and 2 spawn at the initial Elite Base. Fireteam 1 spawn in prison. There are four initial respawn points in the base, and two in the prison. Potentially, unless there are at least three players on Elite side, they could both end up in prison. Unplayable. Unless there are at least five, they could also end up all at the base. This is still playable, as as soon as some die, boom, there are your prisoners.
As for my version, I'll most likely be giving the elites something to do as opposed to just waiting. They'll probably sit for thirty seconds or so, it is a prison after all, but then a landmine or somehing will spawn in, and they can then open their door... Or something. Perhaps the landmine are sitting somewhere that the attacking turrets can shoot, and so they rely on their allies to "drop" the thing needed to get out... I'm not sure yet, but I'm going to give them *limited* movement around the compound in phase 1, slightly more freedom in phase 2, and full freedom with the rest come phase 3.
Im building a version too! Im basically following the set up I posted earlier. Ill be having the prisoners trying to get out of their cells and into this ventilation shaft phase 1. If they get out early there will be walls limiting them to a small potion of the ventilation system, though as the game progresses, more and more of the vents will be open to the prisoners. Here is what i have so far.. its in pre-pre-alpha right now, but its enough to get the idea: The wall Cells Layout Elites will be starting in the tunnel entrance area. The tower is represented by that weird structure beyond the wall... I would find it interesting seeing what everyone comes up with!
I'm planning on mine being rather intricate, bu I didn't get any work done tonight. Requiem wasn't online, so we didn't get the main complex started, and I ended up working on a good race-arena map with Angel of Grief before some much-needed Team SWAT. Long story short--I was busy.
Without skimming the rest of the pages I would put the prison overlooking the field so they act as scouts, giving away the positions and strategies of the Humans.
Guys, the idea of this thread was to make a group discussion and have MULTIPLE test maps. Don't worry about thinking you are stealing things, because you aren't. As for the idea of sabotage, This sounds like a very good idea. We would need to be very creative when it comes to making the map just as fun for the locked away prisoners. Mabye some visual brainstorming could help fund any idea? I think we wouldn't really have to worry on spawning on your bro unless you want to enforce a rule. I, myself would say: " In phase 2, if you die, you are NOT allowed to spawn on your buddy " Depending on the creativity and balance of the map we can apply this rule accordingly. On the topic of creating maps. Please go ahead and create your own maps on this idea, but don't forget to post them here so other people can merge it with their ideas. Inevitably, this should create a pretty epic map. Obviously add credit, if you take any ideas. Keep on discussing guys!
I am wayyyyy past the discussion phase at this point. I've been pretty much forging nonstop since the topic came up. I would say I'd get it done tonight and have it up for testing and comments, but I have this pesky thing called a Laboratory Analysis due tomorrow, so spawning and weapon placement may have to wait. . . .
Post-Pre-Pre-Alpha I spend quite a lot of time on this map today, and its starting to look like something! Not very impressive from the outside right now, but there is going to be a lot going on in the inside. From the outside I plan on having just a regular ol' fort with watch towers and turrets and the works. Though inside of the structure, will be riddled with a labyrinth of nooks and crannies.. heavy on the crannies... The prisoners will be starting in a jail cell. With their objective being to escape. Though escaping the cell is rather challenging to figure out. Conceptually it is extremely simple, though upon testing (having some friends try to figure out how to escape) I found that it is really hard; In fact one of my friends had tried to figure it out for about 8 minutes, and it wasnt until i provided a visual queue did he finally get it. Leaving the visual que in and with the hypothetical buddy who will be accompanying you, first time prisonners should spend no more than 3 minutes getting out of their cell. Upon exiting their cell they will be introduced to the main ventilation shaft: From here they will -in phase 2- have access to the entire vent system. Throughout the system are small passages that lead to quick and easy saboteur puzzles. Right now, some of the prisoners activities include; blowing up shade/turrets, closing doors to armories, blowing up vehicles, and there are a few spots were they can just cause problems by raining small arms fire at the enemy. I have a surprisingly large amount of money left, so I plan to create more stuff for the prisoners to do, once I think of things. -something interesting that I found was that just by building the base and having objects merging through the floor have i created a sewage system. I see it as a budget conserving trick, having one wall be used for multiple levels of a building. Its going to be interesting seeing how this map plays out... I know I will be running out of budget soon, So I hope I can think of ways to keep the numbers whilst still having a completed map How are your guyes maps turning out?
I've got my own plan that I thought of before I have seen this -First why would elites go to a prison for just any elites.(this also helps with the imprisoned want to stay in the game) -Why would spawn killing be a problem if the spartans couldn't kill the imprisoned elites and the only way out is if the elites freed the imprisoned. I'm not really going to tell anything, but maybe atleast help you think a bit more. lol
Is it ok....? Hi, Im really new to all of this, I have only started playing with forge a little recently, and just submitted my first map for testing yesterday, (ps please feel free to check out alcatraz). But I was just wondering if it was ok to take a run at this idea, or would that be stepping on the toes of all the members who have already had great ideas about it, I doubt mine would be in the same league, I just like the idea and thought it would be a nice idea to practice my forging on. But as i said im not sure of the etiquette of forgehub yet, so I dont want to step on any toes. Ps The idea is pretty brilliant.
BUT NOT MAH IDEAZ. Kidding. But seriously. Seriously kidding. But not. Seriously. Wait, what? Aaaanyway... I've been tinkering around in Forge a bit on the subject, but have yet to come to a definitive layout for my map. Rather than build the map specifically for this concept, I'm more like adapting the concept to my map, and (somewhat) vice-versa. I think I've got some interesting ideas on the subject, but as forging has been giving me some headaches recently (no, I mean literal headaches... that damned tinkling sound when you're in ball-mode pisses me off), progress may be slow on the actual map. Also, my first priority is to finish the map I've been working on for the past few weeks, during free time in my busy, college-kid schedule.
@Jupiter, your map is coming along brilliantly, I am definatly looking forward to seeing more progress of this map. Please don't forget to share your progress in this thread @Perrin2040, Yeah, It's fine. The idea of this thread was to create a discussion based on overcoming some of the problems occuring within the idea which people have managed to do, brilliantly! Feel free to borrow ideas but please make sure to give credit accordingly. @Protofury, That noise is actually so annoying, When I am in forge mode, I make sure to turn the sound off. It's weird because it does actually give me a bit of a headache too. That or the massive amount of light on forgeworld haha.
I think I burnt a lot of budget on some trivial things. I have the front gate set up with two guard towers, and then the main complex, a simple jail block with a short vent system. In phase one, the prisoners can find a needle rifle stashed away by previous prisoners and take a few tactical shots (actually about 20, because the nifle sucks at setting off explosives) to cripple the defender's vehicles before they get out to the front gate to ward off banshees. In phase two, they can find an access hatch for vent maintenance that drops down into an adjoining control tower. This is one of two territories, though it is easily defended by any waiting guards. Thus, they can stay up top and continue to sabotage the vehicles or take shots at guards moving towards the front gate, or they can throw themselves at the territory while their brothers out front attack the primary control tower. Sabotage will still be useful in phase 2, when a Rockethog spawns, and in phase 3, when a Gauss is ready to go. In phase three, the data core spawns. This was what the prisoners came to get, so it makes sense that they want to leave with it. While exposing the core, the safety on the vents open, allowing the prisoners to escape to a more inconspicuous side of the building. This side gives the prisoners a way to slip to the main core tower, via an old sewer drain. Its easy to guard, but short, so if no one is watching it, that core is gone. The core must then be carried out of the complex, along a long tunnel back to the beach, and then taken to a waiting submersible that helped lock down the beach in phase 2 with a mounted shade and a complement of Ghosts and Revenants.
Sounds sick, Ursus. I myself have been going back and forth over the final wave of my version. I can't decide if I want a power core theft, or if I want to make it an assault-type thing, where it's just "blow up the control room." Power core seems more playable, assault makes more sense.
I would prefer the phase 3 to be an assualt type. Each to their own suppose, we can see how it pans out in all the test maps.