Ouch. CnC is great, though i realise i haven't exactly been active recently. Apologies, but i can't really promise otherwise I'm afraid.
Text stands out too much. Focal needs more balance. The head strays away a little too much from the body.
Great effects!, and I love the Text also! I assume that you attempted to add flow, since there is a clear indication of direction; however, in this case the flow was a little conflicting with the focal. The depth looks great, but isn't evident because of the focal, as well. The main problem of this signature was the focal. Floating-head syndrome. It took a while for me to figure out what the focal was, and probably wouldn't have known if it wasn't for the text. The Focal also looks a bit over-sharpened, especially on the top. Other than that, the effects, text is great and the flow, depth would have worked for this signature if it wasn't for the problems I mentioned with the focal. Keep it up!
Text is fine, it's the way it's represented. The effects around it make it seem retarded. Focal is fine, but the head does seem a bit too distanced from the body.