Dragon's Gluttony [V0.5]

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Echou, Oct 14, 2010.

  1. Echou

    Echou Forerunner

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    Once upon a time there was a huge dragon called NawmNawm. He was an ordinary dragon, but he had 1 special special thing: He was ALWAYS hungry. At the year of 2000, NawmNawm attacked the hundreds of kindgoms, eating them whole. After 1000 castles, 3000 royal families and 1 dog, NawmNawm was size of an island. But there was one outpost left to eat. NawmNawm tried to reach it, but he was so fat that he couldn't move an inch! NawmNawm never gave up, he petrified and his fertile skin became to get grassy. Now NawmNawm is an island at Forge World's coastline and the unreachable outpost was named as Dragon's Gluttony.



    How could I explain Dragon's Gluttony? Well, it's like Lockout's and Guardian's ugly child. Its bases are symmetrical and they are connected by huge, 2-floor platform. In the middle there are 3-floor buildings, the one next to wall has the Rocket Launcher and the other one has the Sniper Rifle. The basement floor (under the platform) has the Overshield (First it had Gravity Hammer, but I think 2 power weapons are enough) and gravity lifts, which send you to the third floor. Sniper Towers have Needler Rifles and bases have DMR's on the roof.

    More pictures here

    Note, that Dragon's Gluttony 0.5 isn't the final version; it doesn't support all the gametypes (excluding Invasion and Race) and it has abysmal respawn-system. So now I need your help. Download the map and tell me some better places to put respawns/weapon spawns.

    Thank you in advance.
    (Sorry about bad english, it ain't my primary language <:p)

    More, pictures, MOOORE!

    #1 Echou, Oct 14, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2010
  2. GrimHippy 666

    GrimHippy 666 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hey there, nice little backstory there, but you're going to need some pictures embedded into your post, otherwise your post will be locked :/

    Hope to see some pictures soon!
  3. Echou

    Echou Forerunner

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    I added some pictures, can you see them or does hotlinking from Bnet work at all?
  4. GrimHippy 666

    GrimHippy 666 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    EDIT: Forgive me, the pictures did not load up when I first replied. Sorry! Your map looks great! I'm going to download :)
    #4 GrimHippy 666, Oct 14, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2010
  5. Codmando72

    Codmando72 Forerunner

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    map looks amazing. Only bad this is some of the back story got cut off. Besides that looks great.
  6. Penguin

    Penguin Forerunner

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    Nice map, awesome idea having the battlefield INSIDE a dragons mouth, very creative indeed! Played very well with 6 people and we all had a lot of fun. There aren't any issues that we found that we're major. Spawn killing was an issue, of course then again, that can be an issue on any map. I give it a 9/10 for gameplay, 8/10 for aesthetics, 9/10 for creativity.
  7. Radical

    Radical Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This map looks awesome and dude your english is fine .I would personally rate this map 5/5 for the story itself and for the map a 9/10 it is definitely looking like it is worth downloading. Thanks for the map post!
  8. Echou

    Echou Forerunner

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    About CTF, Headhunter..

    Thanks for comments. Did you also try it out with CTF and Headhunter? I adjusted and tested them but they didn't seem to work for me. Or is it because I was playing alone?

    When the CTF and Headhunter are working, I'll add Assault and Oddball next. Subscribe the thread (if possible) for future updates! :)

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