Hey there, Valiency here. I thought about making a forge "team" today and decided to go for it. It won't be a clan or anything, just some members that are good a forging and do what they do best. We will make all kinds of maps (infection, race, assault, invasion, etc.). I really want to do this and if I get enough people, I'll start it up. So, if you'd like to join, post here. It would be very great if all you "Forge Gods" joined. But all the others that arent too good at forging and what not, you can join too because well only make you better! Thanks guys and once again, please consider this. -[Val] Valiency
this is kind of redundant(that may not be the right word) idea considering your on a website dedicated to forging but ok whatever. also you may want to look at this http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-reach-forge-discussion/102079-forgemates-you-looking-someone-forge.html
I'll try it. This didn't work in halo 3 because you needed host for the most part. Interested to see how this works in Reach. Do you plan on scheduling forge sessions, or just having people who are on forge with each other?
I wouldnt consider myself a forge god, but i am pretty good and i am looking for some way to get my name out there in the forging community, message me if this goes through
Thanks to all of you for you interest. It depends on if we need them. If i have a few people who need some "help" with forging, I'll probably help them privately or assign different people "forge buddies". If alot of people need help with it, I'll probably make it an all out "forge session". I don't want it to be taken too seriously though. Added after 3 minutes: Ok, first off, the link is broken. Second, you said this is redundant considering im on a forge site, correct? Well considering you had the right word, redundant, means, not needed or useless. Hows exactly is a FORGE team redundant (or useless) on a FORGE site?
first of all, forgemates has very little structure, and it works out almost rarely. so how do you expect to have a succesfull, structured, group setting and have it work out even 25% of the way you want to? skilled people who need help will seek out tried and true great forgers, not random "noobs" who just joined the site, yet to display any skill of forging. forge help will come on its own time, forge rarely works with any more than two people, and thinking that you have the power to assign people at a higher status than you to help people who are obviously going to be terrible or they would obviously be smart enough to seek help from more experienced people, or a wider group of people. things like this have been done before, and theyve been done as well as they can be done, by people who have been a part of this community for a period of time. and to be blunt, they failed. yours, honestly, will not succeed. i understand your train of thought and why you would think it is a cool idea, but in reality there is 0% chance it will work. thats how it is reduntant and useless, newer members coming up with ideas that they think are the stuff, trying to form some sort of important place where they can make a name for themselves here, and only the ones who truly put thought into it will succeed, and that is pretty rare. im sorry i had to be so harsh, but your responses were a bit stubborn.
Most of the people you see co-forging are actually friends outside of the internet. The entire forge discussion thread exists for people to give feedback on maps and answer people's questions, and soon the forge 101 and forge 201 (hopefully) forums will be online to help people with basic forging. In general forge works best alone to prevent competing visions from trying to take over a map, and unless you plan to actually forge together the forge discussion forum should satisfy everyone's needs. If you still feel like starting a forge team could work, I suggest you make a group as a more private place to communicate, and invite people who have signed up in forgemates since they are obviously willing to try forging together.
Im am a very confident person. With confidence, a man can go as far as he pleases. I've held many a clan for a long time with over 70 members, alone. As far as I'm concerned, any nook that has yet to be looked at will just be another nook. But for the fool who looks in that nook, who knows what that one may see? As for me being a "noob" on the site, this site has nothing to do with my capability to play any game. I've learned great from one of my friends who makes maps for Bungie therefore calling me a noob because I have yet to post 1000 times, is indeed an insult.
not an insult. proverbs =/= truth. clans have been tried to been started here, and they have all failed, so go ahead. all im saying, is that a nook should be playtested and than it should be deemed that nook is adequate, nobody cares who looks at a nook. i understand the train of thought, but my logic is tried and true, and the truth is far more powerful than your sayings. and im sorry that you took that so seriously, all im saying is that people with a bit of validation from the community have a much higher rate of success with things they do than people who just joined, and nobody knows. i dont mind you being here, and i think that you should try posting a map, maybe posting a preview where everyone, even the majority of people who dont want to be a part of a forging team, can look at it, maybe DL it, test it, and give you opinions. FH is here for you, and if you make a good post and your map looks like you put some effort into it, than you will get all of the testers and feedback you need to make your map successfull. having a group that consists of mainly newer members who arent as experienced or on the same level as many of the people on this site wont help you nearly as much. off topic, i know there is a sig size limit, and if i were you i would make sure my sig was following that, because you might get infracted and lose your sig if its too big.
Just because it didn't work before doesn't mean it won't work now. That mentality is the reason it doesn't work. I'm not the best, but I personally don't mind helping less experienced people out, and if they're equal or better then my skill level, awesome. If it doesn't work, it will be because people aren't interested for various reasons. Not because it didn't work before.
the fact that younger members can come to this subforum and get a ton more help is what crosses my mind, and if they have issues they can post a preview, or a thread asking a question, and it will be a lot better for most members than a small group, because why would you limit your audience? it doesnt need to work is why it doesnt work, its like going to chess club and starting a smaller chess squad, designed to do the exact same thing in the exact same place, but limiting your chess buddies from the entirety of the group to a small squad.
Metaphorically, what you're trying to suggest is trying to teach someone chess through a forum. We're going to play chess. Now please take your bias elsewhere. Just because they're newer members doesn't mean it won't work. If anything that's what will make it work, because they don't have pre-conceived notions about each other. We should make a forge team list. I could make it and manage it if you like. I have a free 1 month left on my xbox I believe. What should the gt be? I'm thinking like "FH Forge"
@xWooden Leafx You keep referring to this site, its members, and its capability to hold the ideas and helpfulness of others. I understand what you're saying. I shouldn't make a Forge Group because that's what this whole site is for, correct? Well put it this way, a forge group is more organized and fun. Also, if you were learning to do something, would you rather someone type it into a computer, or show you, visually, through you T.V. or whatever you might play on? Added after 2 minutes: That would be great! It doesnt have to be gold though, we wont play on it, we can just keep up with members on there. But first, we should come up with a good Name...i already have a motto, "We build the best and Destroy the rest" Sound good right?
The problem with forging "groups" such as this, is that you're bringing together several different people with different opinions, ideas, and skill-levels. Ideas will conflict, less-skilled forgers will feel left out, and arguments ensue. If it's purely for fun, go for it. But if you expect to play on the maps your "team" creates, and except them to be good, then it probably won't work out. Co-forging is difficult; you either need to have a map completely pre-designed, or be working with someone who has some similar ideas to compliment your own. I'm not saying it won't work, this is just my advice. Take it or leave it.
Were not going to be really big. So, with that being said, we can most likely resolve arguements, ideas,etc. like mature people and if not, they can leave. Any friend of my is a friend for life and will not feel left out so, I'm not worried about that.
Alright, the gamertag has been created. If you could please update the OP that would be nice. Just tell them to send a friend request to the gamertag FH Forge and to read the bio. I put instructions and guidelines on the bio for people that are interested. All privacy settings are open and I am sending friend requests only to people who have already shown interest by posting in this thread.
Alrighty, thanks man. If you haven't already go ahead and send me a friend request on Live. I won't be on 'till later tonight so, yeah. See you then
ok before i posted i wanted to read the whole thing and i dont agree with the people that think that just because we recently joined this site we cant forge but i have been a very frequent forger and been pretty decent at it. But it makes me kind of mad that people think i suck at forge just because i havnt posted on here but the thing i was doing while i wasnt typing on my computer was FORGING. i think i have made the point i was trying to get across and yes i would like to be a part of this because i want to try to prove them wrong. GTread458 EDIT: Sorry for my grammar and all that I just wanted to get that out.