Venator Class Star Destroyer

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by goldzeoranger, Oct 14, 2010.

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  1. goldzeoranger

    goldzeoranger Forerunner

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    hey try out this maps one is a mod i seen the other is small and not much to it and my is big and fun
    Venator Class Star Destroyer
    #1 goldzeoranger, Oct 14, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 23, 2011
  2. D R A N C Y

    D R A N C Y Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Your post is not up to forgehub standards, you need some pictures or a video (embed) or your thread will be locked, plus you wont get any downloads.
  3. Troutmonkey

    Troutmonkey Forerunner

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    Please, please- Do it right.
    1. Load map into custom games, play for 30 seconds.
    2. Go into Theater and pause the film. Fly around and take screenshots
    3. Upload screen shots to File Share
    4. Go to , sign in and acccess your file share
    5. Download your screens by right-clicking and 'save target as'
    6. Sign up to a website such as and upload your photos
    7. Post on Forgehub in the Correct Catagory! As far I can tell this belongs under asthetics.
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