My job. I work at a place called Chick-Fil-A, and I actually love it. What I like: 1. It pays just what I want. 2. A lot of my friends work on my week day shift. 3. I like to work the drive through on the weekends because thats where I work on the weekends. What I dislike: 1. Working as a cashier. 2. Rude customers. 3. Working when its really, really, really, busy. Which is on Tuesday's.
I'm 14, but i do have somewhat a "job". I give bassoon lessons to a younger girl for $20 per lesson, with 1 lesson per week. That's $80 a month on normal months. Pretty good for a youngster
Student, but otherwise work as a first-mate on charter fishing boat during summers. Pros: -Free fish! (every once in a while) -Relatively easy work -Can practically sleep when there's no action -Good pay -Nice tips -Pretty much free midday all the time -Can get a nice tan Cons -Early and late hours -Customers can be boring and dull -Repetitive/boring work -My boss/captain can be a real b*tch and a half It can be really highstring work. Sometimes you'll get 1 or 2 bites on a 5 hour trip, sometimes they bite the entire trip.. so it's pretty unpredictable.
Barista at a local Coffee House. Pros: Free Coffee Meet tons of cool people Down to Earth employees It's actually fun making drinks Cons: Pay could be better Standing up all day (hurts my bad knees) Some customers can be rude Overall, I love my job. It's just too bad that I can barely support myself with the pay. I may have to find a second job.