Hey everyone. I'm currently putting the finishing touches on a new race map I've made. It workes pretty well, but I have just a few questions on how to fix problems I've noticed. First off, I like to 'theme' my race maps. This particular map takes place in the middle of an area currently under artillery fire! To help complete the effect, I created various 'exploding vehicles' around the race track. Done by simply placing a landmine with a vehicle over it. Vehicle and mine are set to the same respawn, so the edges of my track are always littered with buring/destroyed vehicles. In Forge/Slayer games, this works fine. But I've run into some problems using it with the race gametype. First off, putting 'No Vehicles' on map causes none of my expolding vehicles to spawn, so that won't do. I simply put it to 'Map Default'. Now, the problem is that upon spawing, you spawn on foot. Then after about 5 seconds on foot, it gives the 'Too long on Foot' message and spawns you on a Mongoose as normal. Anyone know why you wouldn't be initally spawning on Mongooses? And secondly, both the mines and vehicles are set to identical respawn timers of 30 Seconds. But in race, not only do the mine respawns seem greatly shortened, the vehicle spawns seem greatly increased. I'd need to time it, but it seems that the 30 Seconds for both mine and vehicle is changed to somewhere around 5 seconds for the mine, and 1 min or greater respawn for the vehicles. Those are the problems that I seem to be facing. Can anyone offer some words of wisdom to try and help me get my map running 100%?
As for spawning off you're mongoose, I think (THINK) you have to create a mongoose and label it "Race_spawn", or something to that degree. I can't say I'm 100% sure on this, but I think that's how to fix it.
With vehicle respawn times, it starts counting when the vehicle dissapears, not when it is destroyed. So if it takes 15 seconds for the vehicle to dissapear and you put the respawn timer on 30, it would take 45 seconds for the vehicle to respawn (just an example of course.) I'm not really too knowledgable to help you fix your other problems, but I hope that helped.
I went and tried that. Unfortunatly, it didn't work. It must be tied to having vehicles on the map. Because having the default 'No Vehicles on Map' race setting, you spawn on Mongooses normally. With vehicles on map, you spawn on foot, then on a Mongoose. Odd. I tried lowering the respawn timers to match this. While it didn't work compleatly, it did allow me to test the times in race mode, and I found that all mines are locked to a certain respawn timer, (Around 10 Seconds) and Vehicles do not respawn at all. There is seemingly no way to change this. Thanks for your guys help. I'll have to keep playing around. If worst comes to worst, I'll have to place some Mongoose manually and make a custom race gametype in slayer. If anyone else has any ideas on how to fix this, I'd love to hear them!
Hey, On my race map I have a flag point (or whatever you call it) set to race_spawn. Im not sure if this will do anything but it might be worth a try.
I've been working on a Race puzzle map, so I've also come across this issue and I can tell you what's causing you to spawn on foot. In race you have 4 vehicles that you can be placed on; they are Mongoose (default), Ghost, Warthog, and Banshee. These are like "reserved" vehicles when in Race. If you place any in Forge then they get treated...er...strangely. For starters, only one of your forged vehicles will even spawn, regardless of how many you've placed on the map. It is random which one of your vehicles spawn. So, for example, say you place 4 mongeese and 2 ghosts on the map; either 1 mongoose will spawn or 1 ghost will spawn. The other strange thing is that the one vehicle that does spawn is considered "your vehicle". This is why you spawn on foot, because "your vehicle" has spawned somewhere on the map and is not with you. After 10 seconds passes (the time that you are allowed to be off a vehicle before it spawns on you) "your vehicle" will disappear and spawn back on you. However I say "your vehicle" with quotes because it's not really your vehicle. For instance, if you've set your race to put people on mongeese, and you place ghosts on the map. Well, 1 ghost will spawn somewhere on the map and be "your vehicle" but after 10 seconds passes the ghost will disappear and you will be placed on a mongoose...not a ghost. The starting on foot thing only affects host though. If there are multiple people on the map, then the host will start on foot with "their vehicle" spawning somewhere on the map, and everyone else will just spawn normally in their vehicle. For your particular scenario, if you want vehicles spawning and falling from the sky onto landmines you will need to forge vehicles that are not one of the "reserved" vehicles. So, for instance, you could have Revenants drop from the sky, because you can't have people spawn on Revenants, or Tanks, or Wraiths. But you can't put any Mongeese, Ghosts, Warthogs, or Banshees on your map, unless you want those crazy glitches to occur. Hope that makes sense, and helps!