Recently, Reach matchmaking has been messing up a lot for me. First thing is first, I've been killing people, but whenver I do, it says I get an assist. I see nobody else shooting at the people I've been killing, but I still get an assist. Now whenever I take somebody's shields out and then another guy kills them, I get no assist. What is going on? Last but not least, I just played a game of Invasion on Boneyard. One of my teammates betrayed me, another one betrayed me four times. Not once did I get an option to boot them. What happened?
It's just you, and you sound just like some people I know. It's not Reach, it's you; you just keep getting pissed off at every little thing. Take a break and go back and play later, it'll seem much more fair. On the note of betrayal booting; it's been 'adjusted' to more like Halo 3, so it's 'fairer'. I have the same problems though, and I fail to see how the new system is 'fairer'.
I'm not really mad at it. It just seems a bit odd though. It's just been happening lately. Five Betrayals and no boot option? Yep, nice one Bungie.
Betrayal system is kinda random in my opinion. Side note: Has Bungie officially announced that they have released the new betrayal system? I've only seen an announcement that they're working on it
It's not always you. The betrayal system is beyond our control, so in those circumstances it is not true, whatsoever. I applaud your try at explaining the world's problems though.
I don't understand the betrayal system either, I never have. I just really wish there was a way for it to know if the betrayal was intentional or not (of course there isn't, but it'd be nice). And whenever someone asks "Is it just me?" it is always that person. I'm pretty sure that's a law of nature or something...
IT'S ALWAYS YOU! Just kidding. Yes, several people have recognized that the system isn't so great. In fact, I remember having played a 15 min firefight game, then at literally 2 seconds left I betrayed someone for fun and they booted me just as the final, "Game Over" voice came on. Talk about lame.
Similar thing happened to me the other day. Playing Firefight on Overlook. We were down to 5 enemies. I grabbed the Plasma Launcher and fired at the last elite. Someone else killed him before my plasma got to the target and he continued to run towards the dead elite. My plasma got to the dead elite and exploded, taking the other player with him... then he proceeded to boot me. I've been betrayed at the end of a game and not been given the option to boot. I look at the summary and see that I was given 3 penalty points in my instance, and he was only given 1 penalty point in his. In my opinion, I think a precision weapon should be giving more penalty points because you MUST be aiming at your target to betray, where splash damage should give less penalty points.
Argh! I really hate when that happens! Thanks to that stupid boot system i have lost already over 20.000 cR!