Terriball minigame

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by D1KK0, Oct 13, 2010.

  1. D1KK0

    D1KK0 Forerunner

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    It's not the map that's anything special. This post is regarding a game type I made and this is just the map I've created for it.

    Terriball is a territories gametype in which the scoring is reversed. Your objective is to hit the people on the other team with the soccer ball territories which are set to 1 second cap and lock on cap. If you get hit by the territory your speed is set to 0% and you lose your shield. Shields are set to not regenerate. There are powerups that increase movement speed to 200% and shield regeneration to 200%. They last 15 seconds and spawn every 60. The game will last 3 rounds of 4 minutes lowest score wins. Each person starts with 2 lives. When you die you respawn on top of your teams wall and become immobile but invincible for 15 seconds.

    This is basically Dodgeball when it comes down to it.

    [​IMG]I haven't got a chance to try this out with anyone yet. If anybody is interested in helping me out by testing let me know. I'm on eastern time but can get on pretty much any time. Sorry if I'm too brief or what not, I'm not generally big on writing walls of text.
    #1 D1KK0, Oct 13, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2010
  2. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    You need to fix your thread a bit with the pictures, on my browser I can't read half of the description but i get the idea.

    it's nothing overly original, but a few spins on it could be nice. The way you have it now is technically the losing team is the winner. You tweak it so it's just movable territories and players have to shoot the balls away from the enemy, it'd work better in the terms of scoring.
  3. Red Shirt KRT

    Red Shirt KRT Forerunner

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    Looks interesting

    Add me and we can try it out

    GT: Red Shirt KRT
  4. D4ni3l G

    D4ni3l G Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It's a unique concept, my main concern would be that the areana either would be a little bit too small or the territories too big judging by the second picture. I'd be happy to help you test it.

    By the way, what made you think of the name? It sounds like "Terrible". Was that intentional? :D
  5. xWooden leafx

    xWooden leafx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i think so. ^^
    and i definitely like the idea, ive had a similar idea myself, but on a larger scale. you should definitely cut some corners though, and put slants on the walls, to promote moving the ball towards the center.
  6. D1KK0

    D1KK0 Forerunner

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    The walls have slight bevels at the bottom. It is intended to sound like terrible. the reverse scoring is the way I would rather do it because if you cant tell the middle is split. if you try to jump over it there is a hard kill across the entire middle.

    Also when a ball is moving fast 1 second goes by pretty fast in terms of collecting the territories. This is why the areas have to be so big.
    #6 D1KK0, Oct 13, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2010
  7. killllllll11488

    killllllll11488 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Golf balls go further than soccer balls, or at least thats what someone said. Thught you might want to know.
  8. D1KK0

    D1KK0 Forerunner

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    yes but I don't want the speed of a golf ball because then the only way someone is getting trapped in a territory is by being pinned on a wall or something. with the size of the territories now its even somewhat of an issue with the soccer ball. once I get some more people in it I'll see how it actually plays.
  9. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    Why do they have grenade launchers?

    For bouncing objects the best weapons are golf clubs (greater physics effect than gravity hammers) and concussion rifles.
  10. D1KK0

    D1KK0 Forerunner

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    With a gravity hammer I found its much too easy to just knock the ball away when you get trapped inside. same with a concussion rifle. I want the main idea to be avoidance not walk up and smack the balls as well. The grenade launchers help you against ball hogs. You can also die eventually with grenade launchers. There is no close range combat scenarios in this game.
    #10 D1KK0, Oct 13, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2010

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