Casa Bonita (8 to 16 players): What kind of name is that for a manly killing field? 8-16 players. This is my first post here for a long, long time! Hopefully this all ends up getting posted correctly. Anyway, this is my first map for Halo Reach. It's called Casa Bonita and it's a symmetrical Big Team map designed for all the major team gametypes. Enough nonsense from me, let's get on with it! Set up for - : Team Slayer : Capture The Flag : Assault (2 Bomb, 1 Bomb, Neutral) : Stockpile : Territories : Oddball (+ Team, + 3 ball) : Headhunter (+ Team) : King of the Hill (+ Team, Crazy King, Random Crazy King, Mosh Pit) Oddball - The first ball will spawn bottom mid. From then on, if the ball resets then it will spawn randomly at one of three locations in the middle of the map; bottom mid, or either of the two bridges crossing the water. King of the Hill - For Crazy King, the first hill will spawn at top mid and move in sequence between five points around the map. Random crazy king could start at any of the Hill markers. Mosh pit will always be top mid. Assault - Neutral bomb will spawn bottom middle. Weapon count - : Sniper Rifle x2 (in front of each base) : Rocket Launcher x1 (top middle) : Concussion Rifle x2 (top right walkway) : Grenade Launcher x2 (bottom front of base) : Shotgun x2 (beneath the walkways, crossing the river) : DMR x10 (one at each base, eight on the walkways in front of each base) : Needle Rifle x6 (one at each base, two on each side walkway) : Magnum x2 (one at each base) : Plasma Pistol x2 (bunkers near top mid) : Frag grenade x4 (two at each base) : Plasma Grenade x4 (two in front of each base) : Health Station x6 (one at each base, one on each walkway, two on top mid) Vehicle count - : Mongoose x4 (two at each base, but you wouldn't be crazy enough to ride one would you?) Recommended starting weapon is DMR and for objective games where the players hold an objective (CTF, Assault, etc) then AAs should exclude the Drop Shield like the playlist update for matchmaking. Now let's make with the visuals! (Action shots will follow when I've gone back over the films.) First, an overview. The exterior of the bases. Red, in this case. The flag rooms. A magnum and frag grenades are in here. Sniper rifle spawns outside the base. Also visible is a Needle Rifle and, on the other side of the base front out of shot, a DMR. The front walkways outside the base. In this area are DMRs, Plasma Pistol, Grenade Launcher, and Plasma Grenades. The walkways on the right of the base. In this area is a mancannon to take the player to the top level, Concussion Rifle, Needle Rifle, and Shotgun. The walkways on the left of the base. In this area is a Needle Rifle and Shotgun. The top walkway. Weapons in this picture are the Concussion Rifle and Needle Rifle. The teleporter at the back leads to bottom mid. Bottom middle. Teleporters go to corresponding walkways on left or right side. Top middle. Rocket Launcher! Mancannons take you from the edges of the map to top middle, and top middle back to the sides.
This looks like a fun map, but the way you phased everything together looks visually un-appetizing to me. I could be wrong, as I have not downloaded it yet, but it appears in some areas the map is very open and in some areas the map is very cluttered. Gameplay seems good, though.
I would wanna go dl this map so much i would tell a kid the world is gonna end and lock him in a bomb shelter just to do so Anyway I like the layout simple and right to the point, i like the way you used the water as a small sorta river through the middle, you have my dl, idk if I'll ever be able to actually play a game on it but i will do a forgethrough
Good thing it's for killing on and not eating then, eh? But to address your point, yes it isn't the most pretty of maps but it's smooth and I've not come across any bumps to throw your aim off while playing (If anyone does, please let me know). It was most important for to, first and foremost, build something that plays and flows well. Testing so far seems to indicate success For aesthetics I will probably come back and make some areas a bit more appealing (I purposefully left budget to spare for this plus changes needed after playtesting). There are definitely areas which provide more cover than others and there are also areas where there's no cover at all and those are the areas which will usually be avoided, except when an objective forces you into those areas and control them. For the rest of the gametypes, the map is dynamic and offers several routes of varying safety to get to where you need to be. (Try navigating the map with Sprint, Evade and Jet Pack... those three particularly open the whole thing up.) In practice it plays kinda like a BTB version of MLG Onslaught but, so far, without the spawn traps. An early version had a Warthog at each base as well as the Mongooses. In practice, driving here is something that should probably be reserved for 'goose rushes in objective games and so the Warthog was dropped. One of the problems of setting out to build a BTB map is getting a large enough party together to test it. Not to mention that although the min players is listed as 8, really I'd suggest an actual minimum of 10 or 12 (Squad Battle size). If you want to play it some time, send me a FR (OcR GimpTactics, I'm in the UK) or come over to the Outcast Reborn forums... my map thread over there is here, let us know you're interested in trying it out. When we get a party together I'll send you an invite. (I hope that last paragraph doesn't count as spam/advertising...) Thanks for the feedback so far!