I have just finished my first Halo Reach forge map, and because I am actually somewhat satisfied with the way it played during some of the test-games, I am trying to set up the different game-types for the first time. So, here is the stupid question: How exactly do I organize the red and blue team spawns and objectives for MLG slayer and CTF game-types? When I begin 4v4 slayer games, everyone spawns at regular spawn points instead of initial spawn points, and they'll even spawn at the wrong team's base. I don't know why this is happening, for I've differentiated all of the spawns -- initial and regular. Can anyone provide some tips as to what I might be doing wrong? Secondly, none of the CTF game-types are "compatible" for the game variant in the custom game lobby. I have set up the flag stand and plate, along with differentiating the teams. I've tried changing the forge lobby game-type to CTF and switched around a few other things, but to no avail. I cannot start a custom CTF game at all. The only game-type that I've gotten to work is MLG FFA... I've tried searching for help through these forums briefly, but there are so many topics, and I couldn't find anything, so I've decided to post my own thread asking for help. I would really like to post my map here, but I can't until I figure out the spawn and game-type debacle. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
*deep exhale* Well, you need to set the team of the spawn points to what team they are supposed to be. For gametypes you need to go into advanced options and set the the game label to it's appropiate setting. This should work. .
Forge Help When I started Forging, I did not know this info. So I put together an Instruction booklet from any information I could find on Bungie.net and ForgeHub. Check it out here... van der Worp.com I hope this helps.
looks like its been answered, but in links For the spawn problem go to the initial spawns and press X on the spawn, then change 'team'=Neutral to 'team'=Red or whatever team you want to spawn there do this to all the initial spawns and everything will be dandy As for CTF, it is a little more complicated, you have to go to the capture plates and press X, go to Advanced >> Game Label >> CTF Flag Return For the Flag stand, press X and go to Advanced >> Game Label >> CTF Hope i helped