
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by ejburke, Oct 2, 2010.

  1. ejburke

    ejburke Forerunner

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    I'm new to Forge and Forge Hub, but I have been making maps for Halo games since 2004 with Halo Custom Edition. Most notably, Portent and Launch Bay X. Coming from that PC slant, I developed a taste for 16-player, more methodical experiences. Generally, if you see a map from me, it's going to be fairly large, centered around team play, and featuring vehicles. And that's exactly what Chorizo is.

    The name: Chorizo loosely rhymes with Paradiso, which occupies the same corner of Forge World -- the Island. Future maps created by me will also be named after encased meat products.

    Speaking of Paradiso and the Island, it's important to note that measures have been taken to prevent camping the mountain top. There aren't any Banshees to worry about, either.

    Chorizo is thoroughly untested. It's difficult to test big team maps, especially because I don't want to be present while testing is going on -- I would prefer to watch films of other people playing. My strategy since the Custom Edition days has been to make my maps look the part, because if it walks like a duck... The strategy has worked fairly well for me in the past.

    Ultimately, it would be cool to see this make it to the Big Team Battle playlist. But even if that doesn't happen, I've enjoyed my time with Forge. It's not even close to being perfect, but it's a very stimulating challenge.

    Recommended: Slayer, CTF, Neutral Bomb Assault

    Not Recommended: Infection, Invasion Slayer

    Supported: Slayer, CTF, Assault, Oddball, KOTH, Territories, Stockpile, Headhunter, Infection, Invasion Slayer

    Not Supported: Invasion, Race, Rally

    Vehicles: Warthog X4, Falcon X2, Mongoose X2, Wraith X2, Ghost X2

    Weapons: DMR, Needle Rifle, Assault Rifle, Plasma Repeater, Magnum, Plasma Pistol, Concussion Rifle, Grenade Launcher, Needler, Shotgun, Sniper Rifle X2, Rocket Launcher X2, Frag Grenade, Plasma Grenade, Mounted Machinegun X4

    YouTube - Chorizo - Halo Reach Forge map variant

    Update: Be sure to check out my new map, Kielbasa.

    Updated 10/21/10

    Chorizo revision 1.1 -- see post #5 for details.
    #1 ejburke, Oct 2, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2010
  2. PwnCakes

    PwnCakes Ancient
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    I am extremly sorry that no one has posted on either of your maps, seeing as how youre an astounding forging, and you dont only put alot of work into making your maps, but also your threads.

    Seeing as how youre new, you still go up and beyond past of what most veteran members do.

    This map features an astounding grasp of LoS, balance, and asthetics... your skills in halo CE definatly seem to have transfered over.

    I love playing on this map, because its not crazy whacko no idea where to go kind of play style. The symetry is easily notable, which lets the player feel comfortable in the envrionment as soon as hes in the map.

    At first glance, I figured that the vehicles would be an overkill, and I was totally wrong, this map is definatly balanced and awesome. Keep on with your awesome forges.
  3. Kealan 02

    Kealan 02 Ancient
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    I've just had a walk around and I love the ascetics in the middle, but some things confuse me, mainly your teleporter into a kill zone on the roof of each base. If you are going to put a teleporter there, why would you put a kill zone? Just move the teleporter to somewhere that isn't the roof and remove the kill zone. The Roof isn't that overpowering, there is next to no cover, and if you where to try and take a sniper there, not only would you need a lift up by a falcon or to use a jet pack, but you still have to get the sniper first, from the middle of the map. If you can pull that off you deserve to get a few kills before the other team realise where you are.

    Secondly, the back of the map is extremely neglected. There is only one sniper and 2 DMR's there, so it needs a little more. You might as well just delete all that useless stuff on the top of the mountain designed to stop people getting past (even though I managed to crouch jump over it) and use the budget back there.

    And on a final note, where are the rockets? I just couldn't find them...
  4. GrimHippy 666

    GrimHippy 666 Ancient
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    This map looks extremely intriguing from what you've given us. I wish I could see it in more detail but my Xbox is currently in a state of red-ring.

    Just one question - What measures have you taken to ensure that there won't be any camping at the top of the mountain? Is there a soft kill volume or something up there? That is my only problem with Paradiso, and I'd love to see a map like it with preventative measures.

    Will definitely add to my download queue, can't exactly say that I'll be able to see it any time soon though!

    P.S. I didn't get any comments on the map I posted last week, and I'm looking for any criticisms and reviews, so I know how you feel :(
  5. ejburke

    ejburke Forerunner

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    PwnCakes, I appreciate it. Don't worry about me, though. I don't take a lack of response personally.

    Kealan, the teleporter soft-kill thing solves a couple of problems for me. 1) I wanted a backdoor into the base that the home team couldn't block or camp -- or feel like they had to block or camp it. 2) I didn't want the attacking team to be able to sit up there and distract the home team or be in perfect position to steal vehicles as they spawn. There's no cover up there, but there doesn't need to be. Looking from the ground, the roof itself is cover and if you take some hits, you can retreat to the other side and safely regenerate.

    I can understand the initial confusion over being teleported to a soft-kill zone, but I feel like the pros outweigh the cons. I was hoping people would understand. In any case, it was an idea and I threw it out there. I figure it's not the end of the world if it doesn't work.

    The backside is used as an infantry route and as one way of getting to the forward observation decks. There's DMR's, needle rifles, magnums, a sniper rifle, a rocket, and probably some other stuff back there. I forget!

    The two rockets on the map are in the water directly beneath the middle structure and on the backside middle of the mountain, above the tunnel exit.

    GrimHippy, I built up a rock wall to prevent people from simply walking to the top. And if they get creative and jump past that barrier, there's a soft kill volume to greet them. I'm not totally confident that this is enough -- I may have just shifted the problem to another spot, but it's a start. If this map ever gets played, I can use feedback to adjust accordingly.

    Edited by merge:

    Revision 1.1 of Chorizo has been released. The following changes are noteworthy:

    1) Proper use of object color -- the original version's bases had objects assigned to red and blue team and color set to "team color". During FFA games, they would revert to white. I turned team assignment to neutral and gave them definitive coloring. I also extended the coloring to structures that previously did not have them. Hopefully, this will assist in navigation in a symmetrical map such as this.

    2) No more soft kill teleportation -- In my post above, I stated my case for having a 1-way teleporter lead to a soft kill zone on the roof of each team's base. Being judged in a contest has altered my strategy toward a conservative approach and I tried to find a more orthodox solution.

    The teleporter still leads to the roof of each base, but rather than being in the center, it has been moved toward the front edge. The kill area is still in effect for most of the roof, except for that small safe spot. A player can choose to hop down immediately or cut through the soft kill area to drop in behind the base.

    3) More teleporters -- In testing CTF by myself, I realized there wasn't a good on-foot exfiltration route. Cutting through the back of the mountain was the best option, but I wanted a way to steer flag carriers toward the front middle. Similar to Blood Gulch, I placed 1-way teleporters in each base that lead to the forward machine gun platforms, essentially giving infantry a shortcut home.

    4) Machine gun platform changes -- Originally, I put these plaforms as a way of safely dropping from the large flanking walkways. I didn't give much thought to reaching them from the ground, though I did provide a platform jumping route. Instead, they are fully wheelchair accessible.

    Also, I removed one machine gun turret from each side. It was overkill and I couldn't imagine two people wanting to use side-by-side turrets at the same time. They were designed more as impromtu ambush opportunities than important strategic assets.

    5) Rocket launchers are more obvious -- since the rockets were difficult to locate, I added some structures that will hopefully catch the eye more effectively.

    6) Safe havens support removed -- I needed the objects.

    If you have any comments, now would be a good time to share. I plan to formally enter the contest within the next week.


    #5 ejburke, Oct 21, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2010

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