Skirmisher (Forge Art)

Discussion in 'Reach Aesthetic Maps' started by xSoGx Grim, Oct 13, 2010.

  1. xSoGx Grim

    xSoGx Grim Commander

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    The much stronger, faster, and meaner cousin of our friendly jackal



    Skirmishers originated from the same homeworld as the Jackals on Eayn. As a matter of fact Skrimishers and Jackals are of the same species of Kig-Yar, just the two have a number of different physical characteristics. Some of their visual nuances are that Skirmishers have feathers rather than the more spiky quills of the jackals. Also Skirmisher have slits in their pupils much like snakes or the Sangheili. Skrimishers are very agile. They are known to output tremendous bursts of speed, and leap astonishing hights with no apparent effort.
    In the Covenant the Skirmishers play the role of shock troops and see a great deal of close quarter engagements. Considering their speed, Skirmishers are able to quickly flank the enemy and colapse its formation from within while a larger Covenant force attacks from the front.
    During the battle of Reach Skirmishers suffered a very high casualty rate almost wiping them out.















    Creator Notes: This piece is in fact full budget. Only the higher rank Skirmishers carry the shield gauntlets, and have special covers on their eyes. It also takes a while for it to update the picture resize request. That annoying text over pictures will go away after a while.

    Special thanks: the xSoGx crew and all other names on my list who have supported and comented on this project as it was built.

    A very big thanks to The Patriot 5 for yet another great job of a cover and graphics.
    As well as the new Signature!

    And now a quick comic courtecy of Patriot!




    Click to Download Skirmisher

    #1 xSoGx Grim, Oct 13, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2011
  2. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    Maybe if we don't comment on these maps, he will stop making them and i will feel about ten times better about my own. That way my self-esteem issues will finally come to an end!

    Actually that would be bad, you totally should consider making a competitive map with your aesthetic prowess, i know from H3 that you got cave maps going on.
  3. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Fantastic map Grim as always, you're getting better every map and this is definitely my favorite yet. I stole a peek at this from your forge game while you weren't there btw ;)

    I think that the one thing it needs are green lights or something on the plasma pistol but still a great map nevertheless. I like how the rocks give the skirmisher a reptilian look.
  4. CzIz

    CzIz Forerunner

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    soz, more detail needed on feathers 1/5.
    [btw it looks amazing]
    I was going to ask why you didn't put a green light in the plasma pistol then i realised you used the lights for the eyes (N)

    You got the very last Halo 3 feature with the Hunters, then the very first Halo Reach feature with the Brute Chieftain.. Now I think you're on track for 3 in a row :) Huge fan of your work.
    #4 CzIz, Oct 13, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2010
  5. Hudacris

    Hudacris Forerunner
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    I don't think I've ever seen anybody else other than you make really accurate models of characters in the Halo Universe, this one is incredible however. This is a definite download from me.
  6. thumtac

    thumtac Ancient
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    Its amazing the amount of detail you put into making these maps, this is incredible. It isn't my favorite but it is the most accurate overall. I just really hate skirmishers. If you made a Moa I would actually go nuts though.
  7. killllllll11488

    killllllll11488 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I think you should us powerups on the eyes instead of lights so you can use lights on the plasma pistol
  8. Hat

    Hat Guest

    I feel so special because you showed me this early, but i see you added some stuff. All i can see that i don't think were there when i saw it was the plasma pistol and the teeth, but i may be wrong. Still great job, this is by far your best most accurate recreation of one of the Halo enemies. Next you will have to out do yourself again, like you have with all your maps. I think you're going to make one more epic map, then realize that you have maxed out on the epic scale and any attempt to go beyond that will cause major damage to life as we know it, and earth will split into fifty separate mini planets. I don't care because if that does happen, we got wifi.
  9. Bloody fox

    Bloody fox Forerunner

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    I almost cried when i saw the thumbnail for this. It is so beautiful. Your first two were nothing compared to this wonderfuly beautiful piece of art. I cant even explain in words how amazing this is. I hope to see more from you.
  10. TympanicMetal

    TympanicMetal Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yeah, yeah, yeah.

    You know............ i like the maps you make, but i just can't stand maps that don't support any gameplay at all. I'm not saying it's a bad map.

    I'm just saying it will be remembered for quite a while, but eventually it will be forgotten and you probably make more and more maps like this, and they will look ''cool''., but THAT'S IT.

    It's just....... i wanna have FUN on a map, and not just stand there, staring at a marvelous structure that's cannot be used for anything.

    I suggest a constructive map with THE ADDITION of a large ascetic feature such as this or any of your other maps.

    THEN it would be truly epic.

    Okthanxbye :p
  11. killllllll11488

    killllllll11488 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    He probably doesn't have enough budget.
  12. serumembryo

    serumembryo Forerunner

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    You never stop do you? Well dont STOP! These are friggen amazing! I love how you use one element and use it in a way no one has tried. In this case, you use rocks a skirmishers face. Wow, this is my favorite creation (well next to grunts of course). I love how you took that pose of the Skirmisher, made it pretty accurate. You should make a whole covy army!

    p.s. doesn't the face kinda look like a dinosaur?
  13. Plasma Rifle Elite

    Senior Member

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    Please, Grim, I'm on my knees begging. Please make a Moa!

    Anyhow, as usual, fantastic work! No idea how you churn these out so quickly, it's super awesome!
  14. El FlyingCondor

    El FlyingCondor Forerunner

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    You know, you've really outdone yourself. Al the little details seem to have been here: the eyes, the teeth, the feathers, and using the natural structural tools for skin. This is easily my favorite one yet, not a bout about it, but it seems like you're running out of creatures, my good man.
  15. D R A N C Y

    D R A N C Y Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Jesus christ, you keep making these over and over again and they're all amazing, i agree with the first post you should make a competitive map with some nice aesthetics, it would get my download for sure. Back to this map though, definite download. its just amazing.
  16. Yeti

    Yeti Ancient
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    I agree. Make a Moa!

    Haha, anyway.. I was just introduced to your work by my friend who showed my your Noble 6 and Brute Chieftain. He tried to say he made them, but I saw that you were the Author lol. I gotta say I love your work. I bet it has taken you at least 8 hours per sculpture to make. If it's any less, you are a beast!
  17. D4ni3l G

    D4ni3l G Ancient
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    Welcome to the aesthetic map section of forgehub my friend. Heres the definition of "Aesthetic" courtesty of the oxford dictionary ;):

    Aesthetic: Adjective
    Describes an object or a work of art that shows great beauty.

    Another fantastic map Grim, you've probably been told it a million times, but you have a real talent at forge, keep it up. i love the eyes and teeth of the skirmisher. For your next project can i suggest maybe doing a veihcle, maybe a giant flying banshee or a warthog?
  18. xSoGx Grim

    xSoGx Grim Commander

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    Very well said DaNnY. It takes a while to understand the aesthetic section. Hell when I first joined forgehub, i saw these unplayable maps, and wondered why would anyone commit so much time and effort to something that you just look at. And 6 aesthetic threads later here I am.. I believe that it is the same thing in forge as it is in life. Everyone goes through a phase until they find that one thing that they trully love to do. For me it is art, and relating it to forge. I've made my fair share of casual maps and those rediculous caves on Halo 3, until I decided to forge an aesthetic map and figured out what i really wanted to do. There are so many great minds out there constantly creating playable content. Figured I would stay as that one guy who fully commits the $10,000 budget to creating a figure or a statue from the Halo universe.
    Like I said on another site, I don't do this for a feature, waypoint, or rep, I'm just doing my thing, and bringing forge art to expand people's views of what can be done with forge. And trust me, I won't run out of ideas any time soon.
    P.S I will most likely be co-forging on playable maps in the future, so be ready to see that pretty aestheticky stuff while you're running for your DMR or a vehicle. =]
  19. Katanga

    Katanga Ancient
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    Yet another fantastic piece of art, Grim. I loved how the slits in he eyes were overlayed on the lights. It made the thing feel a lot more real than the chieftain you built. The proportion is also much nicer, and the pose you used really shows off your forging.

    As far as what I wish you would forge, a Moa is always a good idea, but I think you should focus on a really dynamic pose for your next piece. Give your next piece an added level of character.
  20. Hat

    Hat Guest

    We should co-forge a map, i have a awesome idea that will likely take up the whole budget. It would be a great map for aesthetic touches.

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