HEEEEEEYYY everyone im back with another brand new type of puzzle ya thats im not gonna let buddhacrane take my thunder This will be my new series on Egyptian Mythology cause someone *cough cough * mander *cough* took greek mythology but its ok ok so this puzzle has 3 phase Territory , Plant the Bomb , and CTF or CTC if u want to be specific ... anyways this map as said in the title is an invasion puzzle Ok now im gonna go all Aftershock Serious on u HEART OF ISIS Isis- the Throne Made by Jmen77 History Lesson If Interested Spoiler Google Image Result for http://www.river-styx.net/img/isislarge.jpg And if u dont want to read that here are some quick facts of Isis Facts : Isis is the Goddess of Magic Isis goes to marry her brother Osiris Isis was born from Nut Isis is Guarded by Seven Scorpions when she leaves her house Now Some thing to know of the map : This is a One player Puzzle Since this is Invasion U have EXACTLY 15 Minutes to do Each Phases sorry thats just how invasion works U will Get a new Loadout Each Phase thus to stop cheating YOU MUST BE ON RED TEAM CAUSE THATS ATACKERS This map has Completely new challenges never used before NOW PICTURES Phase 1 Room 1 ( You must enter afterlife before u can die) Phase 1 Room 2 (You must face Death before u can see Isis) Phase 2 Room 1 (Stir up a Rucess) Phase 2 Room 2 (Hope u can swim) Phase 2 Room 3 ( Just a Hop Slide and a Jump) Phase 2 Room 4 ( Think Skinny) Phase 2 Room 5 ( Break Down Isis Walls) Phase 3 Room 1-3 ( Exploration is Key ) PS there are Death Barriers beyond the Braces. Ok that about raps it up OH WAIT Shout out to CHODOMIUX for helping me find some challenges Links Walkthrough - http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileDetails.aspx?fid=6779883&player=jmen77 Gametype- Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details Map- Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details
wow! this game was pretty hard! i really like phase two when you can't proceed without doing a few things first, and then going back to it! pretty awesome map! 5/5
I must not be thinking with a puzzle brain, or somethign. (wait,what?) I can't even get by the first obstacle!! Mind giving a brother a tip?
I'm not sure if this was intended, but the long narrow bit with the concussion rifle, you can kind of cheat and do away with the teleporter but cleverly creeping out the window. Like I said, I don't know if that was intended because it voids the point of the teleporter, but just saying anyway. Either way, great map, confusing as anything. But one of the best puzzle maps i've played for sure.
This map was a pain but so satisfying once you heard the mission complete music! I actually beat this with 4 players but a trick to having 4 is that you have to suicide at the same time sometimes so you spawn in the right place.
Im also having problems with this first room. I suppose you must commit suicide? but its almost impossible to do with no grenades >_>. Well impossible with me as I cant get past it
walkthrough up it long because i fail alittle so tequinchly its a 13 minute puzzle not 16 k and thanks for all the goodo feedback
3/5 Did not like the spawn system, you basicly random spawn across the map. as for the exploration part, can't find my way