Hello Everybody, I'm posting some screenshots I took today. Let me know what you think. Constructive criticism is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
I like the first and fifth ones the best. The way light is used in the first one is good, like from the jetpack and the stars etc. i like the leaves in the background of the fifth one. That and the offset colours look really wierdly cool.
For some reason they seem Japanesey to me, but that's not a bad thing at all. I love the colours, especially in the third one. The only problem that I have is that the angles are a bit awkward in some of them, Is it possible to try a better pose whilist maintaining the overall effect?
Yeah I see what you mean by the angles being a bit weird. I was basically just firing weapons to see what would happen, and not really thinking of doing any poses. Thanks for the suggestion.
I used zoom for some of them, but for some of the others I couldn't get the same effects using the zoom. Thanks for the advice, I'll try using the zoom more.