Station 9

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by gamergimp, May 4, 2008.

  1. gamergimp

    gamergimp Ancient
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    I took a break from forging to actually play the game for a bit but eventually ended up giving something else a go. I had to think hard about whether this one was casual or competitive but decided that it fits better here.

    It's a little different because it doesn't use any strange forge tricks. In fact, very little Forging actually took place in making this game. Rather, a lot of time was spent checking weapons, spawns and balancing the two teams to create what I think is a unique blend of tense stealthy action.

    Infiltration on Station 9


    Attacker's brief:

    "Intelligence reports that a rogue agency plans to use a new technology to superheat the polar icecaps and flood the planet. The enemy is currently stationed, with their superweapon, on an abandoned weather station 50 miles from the ice shelves of Arctica.


    "Our surveillance has identified a weak spot at the base of the weather station that, with the application of explosives, will take down the structure and consign the weapon to the depths of the ocean. Get onto the structure, get to the weakspot and plant the explosives. Surveillance shows two routes to the weak spot; across the central platform then down the air vent by the chimney stack, or directly through the enemy's command structure and around.


    "While quicker, the top route will require you to move faster to make the jump to the chimney stack and also leaves you exposed to an eagle eyed sniper's fire. The lower route will allow you to stay off radar completely but will take longer and into the close proximity of the enemy.

    "You'll be going in alone to improve your chances of evading notice. We've equipped your suit with an enhanced proximity radar and an active camoflage system. We have reason to suspect that the enemy has a wide area passive intruder system so move slowly and carefully. Drop the bomb, move too quickly, or engage in combat and your position will be given away immediately so be careful."

    Defender's brief:

    "John's just checked in from the eastern tower. He's reported the wake of a small boat in the sea below and we suspect they're sending a black-ops team or agent to stop us. Be on the lookout and if you see any one then don't ask questions; shoot first and shoot to kill."


    To play this game you'll need a party of at least four. One player will be blue (attackers) and the rest will be red (defenders). The attacker has five minutes to get his bomb armed and detonated in the red room at the bottom of the map to win the game.

    Unfortunately the base is on partial lockdown so only two routes remain; the top of lift tower and via the elbow from snipe tower (the hatch to shotgun spawn is blocked as is the outer door from bottom mid to lift). The map itself is largely unchanged; some boxes indicate weapon stashes and a large container in the centre of the map contains the superweapon the attacker is there to destroy.

    All players spawn with magnums, are forced into black armour, have no shields, 150% gravity and a 75 meter passive radar. While carrying the bomb, the attacker gains Active Camo, normal gravity, and gains a 25 meter active radar. Headshots kill, players have three lives (but defenders can respawn if their teammates kill the attacker).

    The defenders spawn at snipe tower and have access to a sniper rifle, shotgun and several BRs, magnums and SMGs. There is also a custom powerup grant the wearer a 75 meter active radar (and put a waypoint over his head) for fifteen seconds. This powerup represents a temporary hack of their radar to boost its signal strength.

    Have fun:

    This game is best enjoyed by getting into the spirit of things; switch back to a Spartan model (if you're an elite) and imagine yourself as a spy infiltrating the enemy base, avoiding detection or taking them down when the odds are in your favour. For larger parties add another teammate to the attackers to provide covering fire or an extra pair of eyes.

    Defenders can make the game more tense and fun by actively hunting the spy and not just camping out in the bomb room. Get into character... have some radio chatter, move in pairs, shout "Clear!" when you check a room. There are few things in Halo as unnerving as moving through bottom middle and then hearing the enemy approach, checking dark corners as they progress, and knowing you're cornered...

    Ultimately this game is a short but sweet roleplaying experience.

    Detonation point

    Insertion Point (Attacker's Spawn)

    Command Centre (Defender's Spawn)
  2. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
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    Wow the story and layout graph are amazing, best I've seen. I'm going to have to try this out soon.
  3. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    wow have you every written and directed a movie?nice map a blackout one funally
  4. gamergimp

    gamergimp Ancient
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    Not movies, but I've written before. Mostly horror shorts and sci-fi. I actually plan on making a series of games based on this story, of which this game is actually the second chapter... :p
  5. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i thought so u sounded like a writer well ncie job and maybe one day ill see ur game nd be like i talked to that guy! >.>
  6. Supergooseberry

    Supergooseberry Ancient

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    Impressive, I'm guessing you use gimp. And no, I'm not psychic, I just looked at your name
  7. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
    Senior Member

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    Yeah man, this game kicks.

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