I haven't done a whole lot of forging but have made maps for other games. The map I am working on is a single flag CTF map. The playing area is essentially shaped like a floating kitchen sink, flat platform in mid air with a sunken middle. The bottom of the sunken portion is deep enough that if a play fell in he would in most cases die, unless he had a jet pack. There are respawn points in the bottom as well as in several "surface" areas and a series of man cannons to get back to the surface area. The single flag is on a 1x1 square floating in the exact middle above the basin. So it is totally exposed to all. It is far enough away that it takes a whole jet pack charge to reach, and can be tricky to land on. there are 4 jet packs on the map. 2 each on opposite sides. Teams start in opposite corners near a tower that is their "return flag here" location, there is an exposed run to get the jet packs, as well as a couple of sniper rifles. I've provided limited cover in the other corners of the map. The concept is that you start in your corner, sprint to a jet pack and jet over to the flag to grab it. Pretty much exposed all the way. Here is the kicker, since you cannot jet while holding a flag you have to jump from the flag platform, drop the flag into the basin area and then re-grab it and work your way back up via man cannons to your home base for the flag point. Serious TEAMWORK needed in this game. There are several neutral spawn points in the bottom of the basin to help with game flow. I've placed the cover locations evenly so both sides have the same level of cover. This is potentially a LONG game type. In just testing there were 10min games without a single successful flag return. I'll be looking for true testers soon, but I am admittedly clueless as to posting previews/pics/video and such. So I hope I can figure that out soon and don't have to just put my gamertag up and beg people to find me in fileshare. Update soon.
sounds good! It will be interesting to see how it turns out. The way im picturing it, It will have to be BIG.. You may have to consider building the map above the boundary over the island.. Though there is that strange soft wall thing so IDK how it will work.
friend me, ill test. but seems a bit cheesy, and cheesy maps intended to be competitive never work out. i wont know until i play it though.
I'll be putting it up later tonight, I have screenshots of the map and limited play on it. It is high above the water so if you fell off the side yer dead, I think it is big enough, looking forward to feedback. ...now I gotta figure out this photobucket thing to post the shots.