Forge maps reverting to old saves

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Fid, Oct 13, 2010.

  1. Fid

    Fid Forerunner

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    Since launch I've been busy in the Forge. I have (or had) several maps finished and being play tested. Unfortunately starting the other day I found that some of my maps were reverting to previously saved versions of themselves. In fact one map shows it's correct name in the map selection but when you go to File Options it says it's a different map (which it loads as). Two of my maps have also reverted to saved versions that were days old.

    I know it will be asked so, no I did not load an old version of my maps. I use the Save function and not the Save As New Map, especially when I've only made minor changes.

    Any suggestions?

  2. rbenhase

    rbenhase Ancient
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    I've had similar problems. When I select one map from my list of maps, it points to another, entirely different one. Sadly, I've heard of people completely losing finished maps due to this glitch. Fortunately for me, I was able to retrieve it from my recent files.

    One thing that may be helpful is to make sure you actually select the map when you're in the lobby... that is, if it already looks like it's set on the right map, go ahead and re-select it anyway. Sometimes you quit Forge without wanting to save changes, and when you re-start, the changes are still there because Reach "remembered" them without actually saving the map. Always choose it from the menu.

    That doesn't solve the other problem, however, and unfortunately, the only advice I've come across is to save multiple copies of your maps--especially ones you've put lots of work into--and even back them up on other hard drives, USB drives, etc.
  3. Fid

    Fid Forerunner

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    I had also taken note of the "remembering" thing that Reach does a couple of weeks ago. I thought it was odd but didn't think much else of it. My issues originally started when I was trying to set a map up for CTF. Placed my objectives. Went to bed. Came back the next day and they were gone. At first I thought I'd just forgotten to save. After that happened three times I got suspicious.

    It's most frustrating after putting a number of hours into maps that have now gone kaput. Luckily one of the maps was in my temp files so I was able to retrieve an older version of that. :-/
  4. kingeedorah

    kingeedorah Forerunner

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    I've run into this same problem. I pretty much always use "Save as New Map" now to avoid it. Sometimes, if I REALLY want to use the "Save" function for some reason (ex: minor change, don't feel like typing out entire description with a controller again), I'll copy the map over to my memory card, which is empty except for my gamertag, and then designate that as my storage device while I'm editing. Then just copy it back once I'm finished.
  5. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    Something similar happened to me yesterday.

    I had a map I was working on which I'd named "Kurt". I put in Reach and went to have a quick look at Kurt. Local Files > Forge World > Kurt. It loaded but instead of displaying the name "Kurt", it said "Elixir" (another map on my hard drive). Reselected it and it did the same thing. After opening it, Kurt was gone and it was Elixir. Fortuneately, I hadn't gotten too far into construction so not much was lost but it's frustrating nonetheless.

    TL;DR: Map A somehow turned into Map B, yet kept the same display name.

    I don't think there's much you can do about it, really. Just put some fail-safes in place just in case; like saving multiple versions and uploading the latest version to your file share.
  6. forsaken 1egend

    forsaken 1egend Ancient
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    lost 2 6hrs+ maps due to this glitch
    so now i save new maps multiple times after lots of progress
  7. maddflash

    maddflash Ancient
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    I've had this problem and it has been even worse on a host migration. I really do hope they fix this glitch. They promised they had the tools to fix things with ease, I hope they aren't lying.
  8. Fid

    Fid Forerunner

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    Looks like I'll just be getting back into the habit of making multiple saves of files. A bit annoying but hopefully it will save me hours of (re)Forging down the road.
  9. cj822

    cj822 Ancient
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    This is one major thing I'm disappointed in, I mean come on, this makes forging sooo much riskier, because of the possible wasted time, and would make people NOT want to forge, is that what Bungie wanted? Btw, seeing as how halo 3 was updated and stuff, it'll probably be awhile until they do actually fix this issue.
  10. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Ancient

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    i find that if you go to the file list and select the map EVERY TIME before you start forge, its always the newest save. Sometimes people save and quit, then press start again. this is the map before the last forge session.

    again this is just from my experience. ever since i've done this, i've never lost any progresss on my maps
  11. Fid

    Fid Forerunner

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    I'll give that a try next time I hit the Forge.

    And thanks for all the replies everyone!

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