Here are some reach screenshots I just made, tell me what you think. Also sorry if it takes a while to load the pictures, they're pretty big. Cyber Ocean Dodge Shadow iSpartan Blue Shift Light Beams Your Betrayal Radial So which ones do like best? Oh and heres a link to my fileshare if you want to download them
I don't think so. The page says "Done" and there's nothing loading at all... Maybe repost them.. or at least resize them?
You may need to upload the pictures to an image hosting site such as Photobucket. Image urls straight from Bnet usually don't show up, if at all. Added after 1: Or maybe you just haven't entered the urls to the images.
So you guys still aren't seeing them? I've checked two different computers besides my own now and they show up. And I didn't link it straight from bungie, I uploaded them to my googlesite, then linked the url.