The Forerunners Checkpoint Echo TheHatofwin IF YOU DID NOT SEE CHECK POINT ALPHA PLEASE CHECK THAT OUT FIRST. Linktage: Checkpoint Alpha Description is in alpha, so i'm sorry about this post because there isn't many pictures, but this is a big map. It uses up all most all of the colosseum, but i can't post some of the pics because of spoilers in the story if you care about it, dl it for a better, more in depth walk through. In this map you are contacted by the director which you may know from Delta. Where ever there is words written with covenant weapons it is written by the director, The back hallway The directors lobby, end. So yeah, again i'm very sorry for the lack of pictures, but this is probably the best so far.
Man, you've done it again. You have used the powers of Forge 2.0 and used them in an evily sick and clever way to backfire the way of time and space against Bungie. You then used Bungies plan to take over the world. Then the world completely exploded from awesomeness. And all there was, was this map. So if you didn't get my message im saying that this map is so original it backfired the laws of the world by its awesomeness.
I think he got your message, and I too agree with this message though I wasn't thinking that extreme. The aesthetics on all the maps are great, I wish I had that kind of map creativity, but sadly all I can think of are ship and building designs, that I'm not confident enough in to post on forgehub. But this is not about me, it is about you, Hat, thank you for your beautiful maps and the mystic entertaining feel they emanate. By the way,since my internet has been reaching great speeds considering where I live, and that I've always dreamed of making a machinima, I will look into how to take videos/clips from my xbox to my computer,(this aethetically beautiful maps inspired me) I'll add it to my list of things I would probably enjoy doing. I will also gladly participate in any non-messed up machinimas if asked to.
There isn't really a message to gain from these maps, it's just a story and i think that story will become clear when the machinima is released. Send me a FR if you'd like to part of it.
That is cool and all, but I was actually talking about Dulden's extreme description of how awesome this map is. I thought I made that clear, and I've love to be part of it!!=) Can I make a biogger smiley then that??? Probably but I am currently short on time. By the way, I sent a friend request GT: Gammaj03, no response last I checked.
I could only think of one thing while scrmbling my way through this map and reading the cryptic messages. "The cake is a lie." Seriously, it was so nostolgic of portal. And what was with the "Liar" in several rooms?
When ever there is a word written with covenant weapons, the "Liar" message was written in response to the other messages written by a unknown character. you finished this MoFo? For anyone interested, I added a little Easter Egg that lets you enter the almighty room of the Dir- uh, never mind. : )
I'm still working on them, i've been really busy lately and couldn't get much work in. New Vegas is not going to help me either.