Hello, im new to forge hub but i have been downloading maps for the past few days here. I came across this map called Shift, u may have heard of it. Well, i loved that map and decided to make one of my own.Well, this is it,Tilt sP. Overview Outside view Rocket Spawn Power Drain/ Spike Grenades Spawn Before anybody starts to say that i stole this map, i made this map from scratch. In other words, i made this map from a Foundry Canvas. There is no way to get out and this map is made for all game types.This map is very similar to the popular Shift although i changed a couple things. It is now more risky to go for the rockets,The Power Drain Spawn has a very small upper level that you can jump crouch onto ( This is where the Spike Grenades spawn. ). The map is alot neater. There are also less Crates and wire spools. There is no way to get out and the crates are immovable. Weapons: 4 Battle Rifles 4 Smgs 1 Shotgun 1 Rocket Launcher 4 Spikers 6 Plasma Grenades 2 Spike Grenades Equipment: 1 Power Drain 1 Bubble Sheild Techniques: Immovable objects and Interlocking. Download Tilt sP
nice idea but some of your pictures a small i would make them bigger i think you copied the thumbnail line instead of the line you need if you need any help read the link in my fileshare or send me a PM toy machine that is not helpful he did embed his pics he just needs to make them bigger
The pics are fine on my pc and the map looks creative and unique. I like the idea and that you took the time to block of some spots people might camp at like on the wall in the back of the first picture. Good use of fence walls.
Excellent job with the map, but i agree with onlymaximumv, make the pics bigger. other than that, awesome map.
welcome to forgehub silent perfect, this map looks good for your first map post here. i see you interlocked which is good. as you said this is similar to shift which is not a bad thing since that was a good map. overall good job
the maker of tilt also remade it. this looks very similar but not the same i will d/l also check out the other map from the maker of tilt http://www.forgehub.com/forum/showthread.php?t=7836
vicous vice i already said this is my version of the map shift geez. i didnt steal this map either i made it from a foundry canvas it was in the first post if u would have taken the time to read it u wouldnt look so stupid and yes it took me about 8 hours or so
you may have made it form scratch but it is way too similar to this map. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/showthread.php?t=7836
geezus christ i know its similar to that map thats why this is my version of it. mine is more open and i helped that guy with his map also. i helped him make it so people couldnt get out
This is great, and must have taken a long time, but originality is key here at ForgeHub. Think of your own ideas, and you will get more DL's. See, if you copy the idea of someone else, why wouldn't people DL the original?
I donwloaded a map that looks A LOT like this called Shift v3. the only thing is the rocket tunnel is curved down. and i'm not sure but it might've been tilitng the other way... o well.
This has already been posted here, I think... Wait, yea... No... Yea, I dled it and played it, already been posted, but good for you for not taking the credit!