A completely empty 5000x5000x5000 map with one building block. An expandable and collapsible object whom's sides can be painted and such with a water/lava/acid block that causes "fell to death".
Im confused about what are you saying. Do you mean like a blank, completely blank map that you can add elements and change the environment?
Yeah, it could start as a regular sky, have templates and be paintable. My only concern is that it would be 'abused'
Lol WIN! I uh, agree, actually. I hate all the random immovable objects Bungie put into Forge World. Seriously, we don't need 20 differently shaped rectangles and squares. Just make a small, medium, and large of a square, circle, triangle, rectacle, and we can do the rest. I like the walls, though. Except there isn't a wall, corner anymore And the only reason Bungie has all those random building is cuz they needed to use them in their maps (why so selfish, Bungie??) It's too much, imo. Shoulda just added 20 moveable objects which we can AT LEAST make switches with (and where the heck did pallets go in FW?). Immovable objects are soo boring and one-dimensional IMO EDIT: and wtf is with the ramps. Just put a wall on an angle and it's a ramp... you don't need a whole new category for them -.-
THIS is a great idea, but with only a 1x1 block like minecraft it would be really hard to create anything that needs thin barriers. /GO MINECRAFT