FEATURES: BROKEN DOWN FAN, ADDED SNIPER FROMAN CATWALK, SEA WALL IMPROVEMENTS, GRIDS TO EXPAND THE HIGH TIDE BEACH, SEA WALL ARCH IMPROVEMENTS. here is my second version of this map. a remake of last resort, with a little bit of a zanzibar twist only becuase it is what my budget would allow. other wise it would be 100 percent true to last resort. in this add on i added the fort FROMAN catwalk to the defensive base. and made the sea wall walkable on top. and some other small details. i made the FAN look broken also to get more money and pluse if its broken, that explains why it doesnt spin anymore. any ways hope you like it. give it a download. my gamer tag is II GUNTHER II if the download link does not work.
Yeah, I posted on the map itself earlier on b.net and finished going about it in forge and taking a look at your vision of lastibar I must say, this was a ginormous task for someone to tackle, and you did particualarly well for the most of it, which resulted in the magnificent wheel still being there and the walkway that was requested by some. However, after seeing that I realised that the beach and 'camp froman' in the last picture were to small and really harmful as people on the beach had restricted movement, no way to access the wall from the sea like in both zanzibar and last resort and no spawn on the gate side of the sea wall. Please don't take offense when I tell you this, but I edited the map to be more in favour of gameplay over aesthetics. Your map is great, but I felt that it could be improved more and im hoping you will use this map or take ideas from this map and add them too your own. I have added two grids under the sea extending just past the sea rock/wall to create a larger beach/sea area that players can use, and altered the sea rock/wall so it is climbable and that it reaches just far enough so you can jump to the main wall. I also added another rock to create a large broken arch look to make it more aesthetically pleasing, and giving you the broken arch from the originals. I added a wall along the opposite end of the beach to create the area for the second spawn players normally get on the beach with spawn points and larger beach/sea access so they can move about more. I also edited the wall as you exit the sea wall to the glass sail to save budget by using fewer items and edited the death barriers to suit this. I also completely remade the walkway to 'camp froman' and deleted your 'camp froman' and created my own with a drop down and ramps that were less steep. It is also a little larger than your original one. I also added the cover to the needlers near the turrets that was not there and the block below them to create a line of sight block from the two entrances of the defenders base. I also completely deleted the wheel (im sorry, but it was for budget and gameplay) and added a man cannon which successfully launches you to the walkway leading to sword/laser. I hope you like the changes, I am willing to show you the map if you want, and give it to you for your own use, as it was your map and still is. Thanks for your time and sorry about the wall.
I'm so torn. I was waiting for the inevitable fix up by Gunther before I downloaded, but now I see all these pretty essential changes by Rawr that I feel I'm going to waiting a little longer. I also feel like a douche for asking for Rawr's version to be uploaded. You've done a fantastic job, but as with many, I do prefer the gameplay to be as accurate as possible and don't mind losing some visual embelishments.
I know advertising my fileshare is prohibited but I have none of my own content on their. On my fileshare you will find screenshots, a rendered video and the edited map Gunther, I hope you use the map or encoporate some ideas from my edit into your own map. Heres the link : http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileDetails.aspx?fid=6085877&player=Hey Andy Here is the video of a quick sweep of the changes made for you : http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileDetails.aspx?fid=6085877&player=Hey Andy
I think Gunther has taken on an enormous challenge and it turned out very well so far. He has attempted to rebuild Zanzibar to its fullest in gameplay and feeling. I am proud of Gunther for even continuing to improve on his map. I believe that Rawr has made some substantial changes and even my Narrows map was not only because of my thought process or suggestions. I had at least 4 serious other people come in and run around on my map as I was building to give me constructive critcism. I think that Gunther and Rawr should Co-forge together. It's is Gunther's map and will always be considered his, however two DMR's will always beat one DMR (two forgers, yada yada, lol)
I think im finished on this map to be honest, have threw everything I have got at it, and believe its pretty damn good, but from now its up to gunther to take or leave my edit. Either way it will be there on my fileshare if he needs it at any point. But yes, two forgers are better than one.
Hey Andy, thankyou for your input and editorial input also. i took what you did and ran with it. some things i didnt like how they looked or were placed and polished it up a little more. for instance, i did not like the stunt ramps on the map only becuase they seem out of place with the colors and pin stripe lines. i edited your froman remake on the left side i removed the stunt ramp you used as a wall and replaced it with more straight edge. looks really nice... then for the catwalk on froman i couldnt handle it being so low to the ground and i made the walking distance up to it more accurate as i also totally redid the catwalk. made it higher. i liked how you got the barriers up on the plat form leading to the turrets but u nudged them over a little becuase tthey seemed a little off since they werent actually over the ramps. umm i loved your arch seawall you did well with that.. and the girl i deah i had before but money was an issue. i love the round tower on the beach back but i didnt like the 2x2 incline you had there. i changed that up a bit, and straightened things out. i was sad to see the blades on the fan go but it was necassary for gameplay. i just didnt have the heart to do it myself. grav lift is a good idea for gameplay on the wheel, but vehicles get stuck on it if they get to close. but i kept it in. i think there were a few more changes i did but over all. loved your ideahs. i took them and tweaked them a bit changed a few things and i believe it is complete. i am posting it as a new map on here as the complete remake final version zanzisort 2.5(complete) and added it to my fileshare. your name has been added to give recognition for your edits and help. i would love to forge with you sometime my man. good stuff. good help. oh you also had left out the sniper and some weapons on froman when you rebuild so i put those back in and the supports holding up froman roof was way to large and i felt took away from gameplay. so i added small antennas as the supports. also the large arch rock you put between froman and the sea wall tunnel was extremely big, i toned it back down to normal size. thanks hey andy and give it a look. tell me what you think Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details
Brilliant map. The best of the map is still there, and theres a hint of Nostalgia. The gameplay is also fun and Balanced. 10/10.