HOBO here with my second map in Reach. Modnar is a Slayer, and Team Slayer map that can be played with 6-8 people, and btw if you were wondering about the name Modnar is random spellerd backwards because this map is kinda random but enjoyable. And here's the weapons list. Human wepons DMR: 8x Shotgun: 1x Rocket Launcher: 1x Covenant weapons Plasma Pistol: 2x Needle Rifle: 3x Needler: 2x Concussion Rifle: 1x Now for some pics And thats all for this map please download and tell me what you think feedback is appreciated thanks.
looks more like an asthetic than a competitive......... but who am i to judge. besides, i am just basing off the pics.......... yeah. anyway, it does look pretty small, so i suggest putting more budget into size than appearance. still looks pretty cool with asthetics, you should still keep some of that. later
In the stats section of your post at the top it says the minimum number of players is 6. However, in the description you say it is for 4-8 players. I know this isnt really a huge flaw but it would be easy to fix. Your map looks really cool BTW.
Sweet. I played it with you, and it was pretty fun. It would probably be maybe better sorta kinda in a way better in team slayer... but, otherwise, awesome...
I was thinking of making it for Team Slayer but i just decided to keep this one for Slayer but anyway thanks for the feedback and i hope to be back with more maps soon.