Remake Gridlock v1.1

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Richard Nixon, Oct 12, 2010.

  1. Richard Nixon

    Richard Nixon Forerunner

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    Heyo Nixon here. This is my (in alot of people's opinion) extremely accurate remake of the Gears of War classic- Gridlock. I spent alot of time making it as exact as I could in every aspect from aesthetics to gameplay. Unlike most other Gears maps, I 'Halo-fied" all of the cover instead of just adding sandbags that you can't even hide your torso behind. I also added in a slough of FFA spawns along with a custom gametype for those who want to add a deathmatch element to Gears. Annex hill spots are on the weapons just like gears.
    Anyway here's the weapon spawns:

    Needle Rifle-Hammerburst x2 45 sec
    Sniper-Longshot x1 45 sec
    Rocket Launcher(0clips)-Boomshot x1 45 sec
    Plasma Grenades-Grenades x2 30 sec
    and added a magnum/boltok in each team's 'boxes' outside the spawn.

    On to the Pictures! (I took them in Forge so that you can see the spawn points)

    Overview 2:

    Locust Spawn:

    COG Spawn:

    View of COG Tower:

    COG rifle-Sniper Tower view:

    Locust Tower seen from Locust's boxes:

    COG boxes + View of center:

    I could not possibly capture all of the original Gridlock in Forge but I think this is pretty damn close. Hope you all enjoy! Comment on what doesn't work right, what needs work, or just post how fun your Gears games were on my map! <3

    Here's a link to my FFA gametype, Gears Classic(Warzone) can be found in the Custom DL link at the top. Enjoy! : Halo Reach : File Details
    #1 Richard Nixon, Oct 12, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 12, 2010
  2. BRI Manning

    BRI Manning Forerunner

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    nice map!

    from what i see it looks to be good will DL when i get the chance. also do you think you could make Blood Drive? i think that would work with a few tweaks. or like a GoW map pack with fuel depot and pavllion too :DDD

    also in your file share there is a canals...thats the one from gears right?
    #2 BRI Manning, Oct 12, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2010
  3. Richard Nixon

    Richard Nixon Forerunner

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    I'm not the biggest fan of GoW2 maps, but I am currently working on Clocktower and Mansion two of my fave maps. Fuel Depot will take some effort but that will probably be my next project :) Thanks for the compliments, when you DL it let me know if anything is off.

    Yes that's the GoW Canals :p
    #3 Richard Nixon, Oct 12, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2010
  4. firedrone8

    firedrone8 Forerunner

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    looks pretty cool. for sandbags to be more protective what i do is stack 2+ on top of eachother. it actually blocks your whole body from a banshee bomb when crouching and only your upper chest is visible when not crouching
  5. D3ATH EYE

    D3ATH EYE Forerunner

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    I also have a map build to suggest ( if you do it PLEAZ put my name for some credit.) ( i meant to mis-spell). In the beggining of GoW2, there's a training course you can do. you would build it and then a couple people are humans. they are way stronger than the locusts ( zombies ), but can only get ammo, grenades and weapons in certain spots. ( same spots as the game, but with some added weapons along the way. ) the humans want to get to the end, where they.......... maybe you could do VIP. didnt think that one out.......... but any way at the end they win. and if you have enough budget you could build a hospital ( or what ever it was ) in the background that they also could go to and explore. if you want i could help you build it, but it will have to wait around a week, which probably works out because you have other stuff. anyway, this getting way too long, so later
    #5 D3ATH EYE, Oct 12, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2010
  6. Richard Nixon

    Richard Nixon Forerunner

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    That sounds interesting I never thought of doing a Gears campaign. I have already made an entire L4D campaign where the safe haven is the end of the level I could just do that with different traits etc.
  7. HellaWack

    HellaWack Forerunner

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    this is pretty good i like that you tried to recreate the city setting. all the cover is accurate but the back towers seem a bit off. otherwise good job this just makes me sad because i remade this map too but no one commented and now it's on like the 11th page.
    : ((
  8. Richard Nixon

    Richard Nixon Forerunner

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    Thank you! and im sorry about your map, if youd like we can work on another map together. I could use some help with details when I make my next map. And I know the towers aren't exact but they are very close to the normal aesthetics and the gameplay is remarkably similar
    #8 Richard Nixon, Oct 13, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2010

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