I kno it is possible to create weapons, vehicles and mancannons during a certain phase, but can you do it with walls/blocks? Im nearly finished with my pride n joy, but i would really love to make blocks spawn at phase 3 to make it look like something destructive hit it
Short answer: YES Just make the wall/object and set its label to INV_WEAPON and spawn sequence to the phase you want it to spawn.
Any object can be set to invasion gate, invasion vehicle, or invasion weapon. Just be sure the spawn time is not set to never for anything as invasion vehicle or weapon because it must spawn into the game, not just appear at the start of the round. The difference between invasion vehicle and weapon labels is that the vehicle label gives the object a waypoint when it spawns.
Just be careful with those labels though because they don't spawn instantly, and their spawning behavior is kinda odd sometimes.