JETWAY >>>INTRO If you're like me, you like maps with themes. This little number is one I like to call Jetway. This detailed competitive map is the theme of a simple civilian airport. It has most things a regular airport in real life would have such as: a giftshop, ticket station, boarding area, spinning luggage rack, a cafe`/bar, store, security station, watchtower position, and a bathroom of course. Killmore helped a lot with a few things and gave me ideas for what to make and where things should be. However, the dice for the giftshop was mine >>>PLAYABILITY This map plays great with FFA slayer but works with teams as well. and with all the little shops and such, I decided to make this port fit for infection/safe havens and plays fun with that as well. My Paintball varient proved to be the best gametype for it. Everything in the terminal is very recognizable and very realistic. The entire collesium was used which may seem small, but was tested to be a decent sized map. >>>LAYOUT the layout consists of shops and such surrounding the center of the collesium which, in the cetner, is a large wall seperater, that keeps the map from looking like one big room. It is roomy, yet has lots of cover, corners, stores, and just that open room you need to get a good headshot in sometime. So basically, its like a ring of shops and areas around a wall that has security tower and luggage rack cut-throughs, making the map easily traversable and provides something I like to call flow. Maps these dayz needz to have em >>>SCREENSHOTS the speedy walkways in airports today. this one is out of order, but can still be used for good crouch cover. to the right is a giftshop that contains... dice boarding area. When you buy your ticket, you must show up here within a few minutes before you're flight or you'll miss it. It looks like someone didn't do well with the metal detector the outside of the customer service desk area. theres a few benches and to the right there is the security office. if you keep walking away from this screenshot, you'll find youself in the cafe` the customer service desk. There are 2 healthpacks in the room, but its no camp zone. There are more than 2 ways in so you're a sitting duck here. the cafe of course. get drunk, grab the shotgun behind the counter, and do whatever here. It's a judge-free zone! And a great place to heal up! the luggage rack. this usually spins and sends luggage out of the hole in the ground to the civilians. The luggage hole seems to have been blocked with an energy sword, but some luggage still remains on the haulted wheel. the fountain area is a great place to relax. nothing here but some respawn points and a great view. that store there is the... well... erm... store. You can call it what you want, but its a store... yes the store. there's a few goodies in here that you can use to kill some people and keep yourself alive as well outside the bathroom. this view is looking out from the store. that entrance there to the yellow-lit room is the back entrance to the bathroom. great for flanking bathroom campers... lolz the unisex bathroom. you can find a concealed magnum in here from a crazy civilian. not recommended for camping but you can try it if you want... you wont get many kills. >>>SUGGESTIONS download the map... honestly
the low ceiling makes it difficult but I suppose i could just delete it for a screenshot. if more people download this map, I will post an overhead
This is one of the few maps I would really like to see a video clip of game play for. Have you played the game with a bunch of folks and if so can you share some clips? Added after 4 Hours 28 minutes: A couple of us tried out your map. It has decent layout of obstacles, it plays very nicely, has plenty of room to move about, good choice of power weapon layout and ammo levels. The map simply looks nice and it gives a good experience the first time (first impression is important). I really liked the people mover. But the ceiling looks up to another ceiling. It would have been nice if it looked up into the sunny sky. I don't think you want to move the entire map outdoors, so you might want to do something other than a glass ceiling (I have no suggestions). But if you do move it outdoors, see if you can use the water (beach) as an exterior view as well. The spawn points are numerous, but their initial orientation is not ideal in many cases. My understanding (and I could be wrong) is that you can only have up to 16 on a single team (e.g.- red), but I counted well over 16 red "initial" spawn points. Didn't make sense to me. In the second game I ran, I spawned up on the tower where the rockets appear, but what I initially saw was very disorientating. In Forge I could see that many of the spawn points are pointing in directions that do not lend to initial movement support for the first time player. What they see coming out of spawn should help them decide where they want to go next, and typically it should be supportive of forward movement. The play, the movement, was all good, once you get your bearings. The ceiling is not too low, as someone suggested (at least we didn't think so). There was plenty of space to move, but there were a couple of spots where it may have seemed too cramped. Good use of color in some places, and no color in others. Finally, and this is absolutely not necessary, you might find a gav lift useful in one or two spots to add color and functionality to the map. Oh, one more thing, the sword might be on the wrong physics setting. When I swapped it out for another weapon, it floated in air and I could not grab it again. It should always be normal, I believe. This is definitely a keeper. If you update it, I will look forward to downloading the next one.
download link repaired! if you havent downloaded it because of the broken link before, please download!
Hey, love the design , just had a game of infection on it with some freinds. they love it ! No improvements i can think of except for keep up the good work
well if you like infection then you might want to know the secret camping spot if you go half-way up the watch tower, you can jump to the roof of the giftshop! However, the zombies jump higher and can jump off the speed walkway so keep on your toes
Bungie is having a contest for new maps to add to matchmaking. If your map wins, it will get on matchmaking. If you are a grand prize winner (in addition to your map winning), you win an XBOX. This map has serious potential for winning. I would like to play this map on matchmaking! That is why I am posting this. Of all the maps here on forgehub (besides my own), I would really enjoy playing on this map regularly. Again, I would recommend you redo the spawn points (I can help if you want), move the map outside to get sun light through the glass ceiling (I will help you with this too!), and fix the sword physics. If you need help, I will be glad to help. Send me a friend request if you want (MrGreenWithAGun).
The energy sword's physics are set weird so if it is picked up and dropped it can never be picked up again.
ya i hope bungie fixes this in an update soon but it doesnt matter i can wait and I wonder how you can enter maps to be in matchmaking. I would like to enter this one
The Forgetacular contest that is going on now, with a submission date no later than November 28. If your map wins, Bungie says that they may include it in matchmaking.