New here and not sure if this is the place to post this. I made an automatic door using landmines and fusion coils. The landmines are under elevated flooring and are invisible so when you walk over them they cause a chain reaction to "open" the door (blow up the 4 fusion coils in the doorway). Thanks to Flo Rida25 for the render.
I'm rendering it for you Here's the video in a box Also since I rendered this for you could you comment on these two threads?
I pulled the url right out of the embed code I just dont know how to embed in a post like your post with the youtube video in it. Did you just copy the embed code from youtube?
This looks very cool, especially for machinimas if you want the floor slowly blowing up to detonate something larger
That's really cool. You could use the same kind of method to make really dramatic but non lethal explosions too, couldn't you?
Yeah you can. There's a fine line between explode and kill and explode and not kill and not explode at all though.