..the one i made: (FYI I'm vury indecisive) But i think the middle one is the best size.. oh, and i feel like something about it isn't right.. doesn't flow or something.. idk thats why im asking for a CnC! lol
Did you follow Miraj's disintegration tutorial? It's pretty good rendition, and I like you effects. Colors are abit off.
I did a little bit from his tutorial but I'm not vury good with photoshop so i did it in gimp, and as one can assume I wasn't able to follow it to the letter. I used the theory behind each of the steps tho.. and what should I do with the colors?
Not shabby, needs some more depth/contrast/sharpening in certain parts. But like I said, not shabby ;D
How is this? I did a blurred mask and sharpened the focal point a little Edit: I think the text is too blurred now.. but i don't have time to fix it NEW OLD
I ****in' hate it. No depth, flow is awkward, and that smudgin' stuff is more disgusting than my balls dipped in chilly sauce, peanut-butter, and rainbow tamales. but that's just my opinion.