Hey guys. So recently today, I made a working elevator that goes down! I don't have a video or any screenshots right now. I'll try to get them up tomorrow but if I can't, it will be up on Friday for sure! Anyways, how it works is you walk on to a crate that is rested on a pad of fusion coils with a shield in between the two. Then on a shaft wall there is a phased trip mine with a shield in front of it stopping the explosion from killing you. So when you get on the crate, you walk into the trip mine causing a chain reaction of more explosives causing the fusion coil pad to blow up which makes the crate drop while being unharmed by the shield. Then once you make it to the bottom, the crate drops into a small recess while you step out on to a new floor. So do you guys like the idea? EDIT 1: Download link is here! Elevator EDIT 2: The rendered video is live now! Elevator Proof EDIT 3: Here is a youtube video for non Bungie Pro users YouTube - Halo Reach - Working Elevator That Goes Down!
Thats cool, that is actually really cool but does is it all respawn properly and work after the first use?
If I remember correctly it does respawn properly after use. Does anybody know if somebody else has done this?
I'm not sure what the proximity for a trip mine is, but a fixed one under the crate might be close enough for a player in the elevator to set it off.
The trip mine is on the side of the wall. The crate rests on a pad of fusion coils. The crate is protected by a shield in between the pad and it's self. The only trip mine theres is, is the one you walk into to activate the elevator.
Very nice work. I myself halfmade an infection map where the humans start on a falling lift but I could never figure out how to trigger the crates falling down. Good discovery!
Thanks! I'll try to put the map up on my file share today so everyone can download it and see how it works
That's a very clever and simple idea. A lot of the switch/door/elevator/etc. ideas are kind of hard to understand and set up, but this one is nicely streamlined. I'd love to see a video of it. If the whole mechanism resets, even better.
Here's the download link! Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details Added after 2 minutes: Sorry for the double post but I have a video live on Bnet now! Elevator Proof
Is it just my imagination or at 1:20 does a door shut behind you when you get in the elevator? If so, that is imaginiative Really cool how it doesn't hurt you at all. Nice find!
I understand that. Trust me you're not the first one to think of this, but if that worked, the fusion coils would be unnecessary and the elevator could be simplified.
Ok I misinterpreted your post. I could test that but it really isn't a necessary thing to fix but it might save some money Make sure you credit me
Judging by the vid it looks badass. But how do you get a door to spawn behind you when you go past it, or is it just on a timer?