Vertichron 34

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by DissYraiN, Oct 11, 2010.

  1. DissYraiN

    DissYraiN Forerunner

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    "Spartan Clone training facility designed to test spatial memory capacity."

    Inspired by both Halo 3's Community made "Disorient" and Halo EC's "Chiron TL-34" this map is made to promote mind-blowing and crazy gameplay in any game mode. This map takes a typical close quarters, symmetrical, arena-style map and puts a twist on it (literally). This map features 45 degree angles in relation to true vertical and 6, 2-way teleporter sets linking 3 main caverns (red cavern, center cavern, blue cavern).

    YouTube - Vertichron 34 Walkthrough

    Prior to posting this map I tested it with teams of 3 to 6 players in every game mode as well as some FFA gameplay. The map itself is fairly small, but even with 12 person FFA it did not feel like players were just bumping into eachother with too much frequency. Once most of my testers learned the map it was one of the most enjoyable multiplayer experiences I have ever had. Due to the "walls" that you seem to be able to walk up this map requires and promotes creative thinking to gain an edge on one's oponent.

    Comments, opinions, and feedback are greatly appreciated. Anything that will make me a better Forger.

    Thanks for downloading and have fun!
    #1 DissYraiN, Oct 11, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2010
  2. RichIBuildJumps

    RichIBuildJumps Ancient
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    Ultimate map mind f*ck. Been looking for one of these for a while, looks like I hit the jack pot, good work.
  3. Kealan 02

    Kealan 02 Ancient
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    I was considering making one of these maps myself, inspired by the short clip of a map like this in the Forgeworld Vidoc, but you've gone and done it far better that I ever would have been able to. Congratulations to you.
  4. DissYraiN

    DissYraiN Forerunner

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    If anyone is interested I am trying to get a few 4v4 customs set up for this weekend and play some slayer, ctf, stockpile, one flag, and bomb. All on this map. Just PM me.
  5. Kealan 02

    Kealan 02 Ancient
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    When I saw the pictures I had no clue what I was in for. This map had me stumped for half and hour at how to get from red base to blue base, and once I had drained all of my will power, I went into a blind rage and deleted a wall of the map seeking escape, only to discover that this was not one room, but 3. You crafty bastard, three maps, all linked by teleporters. I was really confused about where those teleporters went, because when I went through I couldn't find the one I went through first anymore. I downloaded expecting one confusing room and found myself immersed in three.

    You sir, are a Genius.

    T3RA PROWL3R Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is amazing.

  7. DissYraiN

    DissYraiN Forerunner

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    This is why I reccomend that most people try this map in a custom game for the full disorientation effect (even though this is definately a small map in terms of map volume) and then go into forge to figure out what the hell is actually going on.

    See, these types of maps, if done right (like this one and Geometric), reinvent FPS gameplay in a way. First, we all (or most of us) played goldeneye on the N64. Then we learned double analog controlls for games like Halo. Now maps like this take that gameplay to a whole new level that you must train your brain to play. That is why I keep claiming that 45 degree maps like this one are an absolute blast to play customs on once you learn to play on them.

    ...And it makes you think, "How ****ed up in the head is the guy that made this map?"

    Thanks for the kind comments and downloads! Have fun!
  8. TheUnseenForce

    TheUnseenForce Forerunner
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    Hey this looks like a really cool map from the picks. I'll be sure to download it soon. By the way, how hard was it to build this map? It looks pretty complicated, but you have inspired me to make a map at an angle like this. Great work.
  9. DissYraiN

    DissYraiN Forerunner

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    The hardest part was coming up with a layout for 2 rooms (since one is a replica of another) that flowed. meaning the pieces met up and there weren't parts of the map where players would bottleneck or controll too easily.

    As far as placing items in at an angle it was not too difficult. I did not think of it as a map tilted as a whole, but each piece tilted 45 degrees individually. for this map I did not use the edit coordiantes system but I used the fine tune left analog click as well as feathering the bumpers (sometimes the bumpers, even in fine tune, move things too much but if you tap the a button just after the bumper you can move things just a hair). edit coordinates sometimes doesn't work for tilted pieces.

    One must also consider that I have a batchelors degree in mechanical drafting and design (meaning I draw complex mechanical components on a computer for a living). I can literally make an entire functioning map in my brain before I make it in forge.
  10. wespa mclev

    wespa mclev Forerunner

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    This really is probably the coolest map out there:


    This map is clean. There are no major bumps that you encounter when moving around

    No z-fighting. A lot of people use the edit coordinates system which makes clean merging, but creates z-fighting which looks horrible and messes up the frame rate.

    Perfectly symmetrical. This allows for balanced gameplay and allows for more gametypes to be played.

    Multiple routes through the map which takes away dead zones and power positions.

    fast framerate for a map that has less than $1000 left in forge. many larger budget maps have long lines of sight but the GPU in the 360 cannot render too many objects on screen at once. shorter lines of sight make this map more disorienting than all the other maps like it.

    plays all gametypes except for race and invasion

    rockets are almost too powerful for this map but the creater only put 2 in it and placed it at the bottom of the map. great thought as far as balancing power weapons.

    excellent placement of teleporters and grav lifts allow players to avoid being killed by others camping around the other side of the teleporters.

    the angle at which the map is made creates some very unusual, insane, and often hilarious gameplay. it definately changes the way you play multiplayer in Reach.


    this map is really disorienting at first which makes a very steep learning curve. It usually requires one to learn it in forge and custom games before playing others on it.


    Overall, a lot of thought and creativity went into this map. It plays very well and definately makes for some great customs. It definately is worthy of attention and downloads. I will definately be keeping an eye out for any other maps made by this forger.
  11. TheUnseenForce

    TheUnseenForce Forerunner
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    Hello, DissYraiN, and congratulations on making the most insane map I have ever seen. This map always makes me want to tear out my brain, but still brings me back for more. I really love what you have done to this map, and so I thought you would appreciate a comprehensive review:


    To start off, I would like to tell you that you have made one crazy map. It makes me want to grab the nearest sharp object and gouge out my brain, but at the same time it is insanely fun. Sure, at times it makes me wonder "How the heck do I get up there?", but overall Vertichron 34 is a blast over and over again. One of the problems with this map is that it is very easy to get lost in the maze of angled platforms, but this keeps me on the edge of my seat. Another difficulty that haunts me is not knowing where each of the teleporters go. Many times I enter what I think is the teleporter to the enemy base, only to discover I have been led back to where I started. On top of that, during an assault game, there was no waypoint as to where I was supposed to defend. This resulted in a few un-fair losses. The good things balance this out, and all in all, the total enjoyment factor is very high. However, there is still room for some improvement.

    Rating: 7/10


    Honestly, there is not much of a better way to make a balanced map than to make it symmetrical. Don't let that mislead you, though, as other problems can arise. One problem I noticed was that people generally tried to get as high as they could (probably due to lower amount of disorientation) and this lead to DMR fights where two people would be on either side of the top "floor". When someone fell off, it caused a short burst of profanity before they started on the long way up again. Another flaw is that most of the weapons are really tough to find. This means anyone who knows the map can just rush to the power weapons and then camp somewhere. On top of that, it is very possible to be spawn camped by the opposing team due to open spawn rooms.

    Rating: 4/10


    When I played a simple game of slayer on this map it was impossible to defeat in almost any way. But with other gametypes, such as infection, there was a truckload of little nooks and crannies to hide. Luckily the disorientation the map causes usually compensates for this. As noted above, there was a waypoint problem with the bomb plant point for the defenders in assault games. Other than that, your map is virtually immune to anyone trying to escape.

    Rating: 9/10


    For a competitive map, the aesthetics are well done. You certainly made my brain turn to jelly. However, when you take a closer look at this map, you realize it is not as pretty as you thought it was. If you imagine the area without its disorientation it really is not very pleasing to the eye. There is no center masterpiece of Forge Art, and there is very little detail on the lower level. It seems as though you placed a few columns here, a few struts there, and you were done. At least from what I can tell you were trying to make it look nicer. I completely understand if you did not want to overdo it, but I feel a few things could have looked nicer. Once again great job on the mind-boggling effect, that alone makes up for half of this.

    Rating: 5/10


    I truly congratulate you on making the first map like this on Reach. Also, this was not just a remake of another map you made in Halo 3. The three-room style map is also a newcomer around here, making Vertichron 34 a unique map. On the other hand, you did not invent this concept of disorientation. You were inspired by other maps that had already been made. This is not a bad thing, it just means that you did not come up with the idea of putting everything at an angle. The new aspects you add to the game compensate for this, so I think it is fair to rank you a little above average in this category.

    Rating: 6/10

    #11 TheUnseenForce, Oct 17, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2010
  12. Echou

    Echou Forerunner

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    M.C Escher would be proud of you. *_*

    I checked the map, I really, really liked it. Like some pleople have said, it takes time to get used to it but this looks so fun on Slayer!

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