Aside from changing the gametype options, is there another way to make vehicles inoperable? I'm working on a small map and I want to use them more as set pieces. I used to do it with the Objective objects or with teleports but those don't work in Reach. The other thing I was thinking of considering objects have boundaries now is, is there a way to use that boundary as a soft kill zone? So if someone does get in the vehicle they wouldn't be able to stay in it very long. I'm just trying to keep it so players are able to play the map the way I meant it to be played without having to change the options.
You could either flip the vehicle and hold it down with objects or just place it down normally and then making it stationary by holding the vehicle down with objects. From there just put a soft kill barrier to make it so that you can't be in the vehicle for long. I remember in Halo 3 several tin cups placed in the same spot would make some vehicles virtually immovable. What kind of vehicles are you using?
I'm using Warthogs and Scorpions. Thanks but I don't think that's going to work out. I don't really want to use physical objects (walls, windows, railings, etc.) because I want it to look like a vehicle, not a vehicle with a random object sticking out/on top of it. That and the fact that I am at absolutely $0 cash. Any other suggestions?
To add to what rifte said, most vehicles have a place where you can merge a small object that will prevent the vehicle from firing. For the warthog it requires actually blocking some part of the gun in the turret. For the scorpion put something on top of the tank body (under the turret) just behind where the driver sits. For the wraith, merge an object into the main gun on the back. The revenant should work the same way as the wraith, but I'm not positive.
You could put a bunch of shield doors next to it, the blue side facing the vehicles, so that when people get in them, they just end up getting stuck.
The one way shield doors work well for tanks and wraiths. They turn them in to huge turrets stuck on a blue pad. They also work for smaller vehicles as long as players don't cause explosions to through the vehicle in to the air and off the shield door.
If the blue side is facing the vehicle, then it can be driven out. gotta put the orange side facing it, also the blue doesn't stand out as much as the orange so it won't look as silly.
The easiest way to do this is to edit which team the vehicle belongs to. If you are making a map for only two teams (Red and Blue), you can just set the vehicle to Team Green or any other team. Then no one can use that vehicle unless they are on the corresponding team. Does that make sense? That way you don't need to have anything blocking it. It will just be an "inoperable" vehicle.
I saw that and I tried it but it didn't work. I set it to Pink team because how often are you going to make it to the Pink team. Then when I tested it out I was still able to drive it. Maybe I'm doing it wrong. You do this under the "Team" option right? Do I have to do it in each game type or is changing it in "Basic Editing" going to carry over for all games?
I'm not sure if you have to do it in all game types. I put some "Mongeese" into an infection map I made and set them to a different team color and no one could use them. Maybe there is something more to it that I didn't notice. When I did it, I was in forge in the infection game type and I just hit X to open up the mongoose settings and then changed the "Team" setting.
You can't make vehicles team specific except in a race gametype, so changing the vehicle's team to pink won't do much in terms of gameplay.
I think by default all vehicles are inoperable in Infection. What I don't get is why would you make a team specific vehicle for Race when you already spawn with a vehicle in Race/Rally?