Personally i like the S&Q method, unless im doing a quickie float then just stack stuff up. But if the object needs to be at a specific angle then i S&Q. However that is time consuming, so i was wondering how you guys float objects.
It depends. If I'm doing one object, then I S&Q. But if there's multiple objects to line up, then I try to find a combo of objects that yields the correct height constantly. Usually, S&Q.
1st post!! New here, FH has been very very helpful for my upcoming map. I use the S and Q method when i need something in a awkward position or attached to a wall, or anything really not simple. I stack when its something terribly simple, because its 5 times faster.
ahh welcome then! it is a great place!! anyway back on subject it seems that is the way most people do it, i wish there was a way to just float something without stacking or quitting out. i dont believe there is though. It def. would have been posted by now hahaha
I don't really float objects that much, unless i'm on foundry cuz its easy there. I also do the save and quit method too if I need it.