Flooded Mines

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by iipuddsii, Sep 26, 2010.

  1. iipuddsii

    iipuddsii Ancient
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    Flooded Mines
    By IIPuddsII

    *Gametype has been added*
    Game Type: Flooded Mines Infection
    Initial zombie count: 1
    Round time: 4 minutes
    Humans: No radar, sprint, pistol, weapon pick-up enabled
    Zombies: Regular radar, evade, no shields
    Players: 3-16
    *Note* Crouching in water that is over your head will result in death

    There are twisting and overlapping tunnels that form a complex network. The zombies spawn in the upper parts of the mine. The deeper in the mine you are the further form the zombies you are. Although when you are deeper in the mine the passages are flooded, narrow, and have many sharp corners. There are many hidden passage ways to be found and guns placed throughout the caverns.

    A stairway near the caves lake

    A pathway wrapping along a cliff

    An eerie passage way

    It leads deeper into the caverns

    Could it be a flooded passage?

    Deep in the mine. A flooded passage

    The hole is deceivingly deep.

    Yet another passage

    Human spawn

    A poorly lit bend

    Down deeper

    A rock outcropping forming a path

    This map used almost the complete budget available on forge world. It was quite a mess making the map, the blended objects that formed tunnels were hard to keep track of. Let me know what you think of it.

    Thanks and enjoy!!
    #1 iipuddsii, Sep 26, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2010
  2. Ian 130

    Ian 130 Ancient
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    I absolutely love it. Ive been looking for a map(i suck at forge, too impatient) to play a gametype me and my friends came up with. it need to be complex, but not exactly a maze, dark, preferably a cave, and have multiple levels. thanks dude
  3. pred10122

    pred10122 Ancient
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    wow this looks incredible! I love how you incorporated the water into your map and used the team colors on the objects to light hallways. I try to come back with some feedback once I play it.
  4. iipuddsii

    iipuddsii Ancient
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    Good to hear all the positive feedback. The lighting was one of the major aspects of the map I focused on when I created it. And yeah i kinda set myself up for that one haha.
  5. U Die Today

    U Die Today Ancient
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    I really liked the idea of this map but i found the lighting to be too dark. I was constantly running in to walls hoping i was heading on the right path. It was too confusing and I would hate to have that much confusion in an infection map. I would tell myself to turn my tv brightness up but its perfect for everything else. thanks for the forge though.
  6. iipuddsii

    iipuddsii Ancient
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    Thanks again for the positive feedback. Yeah the map is pretty dark, but its what I'm going for. I didn't have a game type with the map because it will support any infection game type you prefer. I figured I would leave that up to the down-loaders :) although i would definitely advise a game type where the zombies have no shields because of all the tight corners.
  7. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    I love this map. Ive played Infection on it with my friends a couple of times. Its aesthetically great and the gameplay is fast and tense. However, there is a spot where the Humans can camp where it is quite difficult for the zombies to get them, and usually ends up making people quit.
  8. Security

    Security Ancient
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    You should make a gametype for this map, if you did I would definitely recommend this for a feature. I played with the default infection and it was a lot of fun but I realized it could be a lot more fun. Generally, I would recommend giving the zombies radar but not the humans, taking away zombie shields, and giving the zombies unlimited evade. Hey, I could make a gametype if you want me to.
  9. iipuddsii

    iipuddsii Ancient
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    I've had a lot of people tell me I should make a gametype to go with the map so I think I will add that onto the post this evening after I'm out of class. Do you have any other suggestions for the gametype? I don't think there should be any load outs besides sprint for the humans and a pistol for the weapon. Having different weapons with load outs would defeat the purpose of going to different corners of the map to grab a better weapon. I agree with your radar, shield, and evade idea btw.

    Added after 9 Hours 7 minutes:

    Just added the gametype to the original post. I also noted the major changes from a regular infection gametype.
    #9 iipuddsii, Oct 4, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2010
  10. iipuddsii

    iipuddsii Ancient
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    Not sure why the pictures aren't showing up for you. They are still working for me.

    Where in the map have you been able to slip off? and if you are able to get off you are likely to end up in the ocean anyways.

    Glad to hear you like it instinct!
    #10 iipuddsii, Oct 9, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2010
  11. iipuddsii

    iipuddsii Ancient
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    Thanks man. After playing this map on forge day I realized the human and zombie spawns swap sometimes. Honestly it doesn't make much of a difference unless the humans don't jump down into the map.
  12. Gamelover5

    Gamelover5 Forerunner

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    I would like to know what special effects you used. This map was amazing and I have always played it with my friends and others over XBL. Thanks for making it...
  13. i eat clowns

    i eat clowns Forerunner

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    when i saw that i thought the exact same thing, great minds think alike, aye?
    but seriously, the way u used objects as lights is something i have never seen of nor thought of, genius.
  14. eating lunch

    eating lunch Forerunner

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    I was checking out to see where my map, Mold Caverns, was at on Bungie's most downloaded, and most recommended lists and ran across this map, and saw you have thousands of downloads of this map now!

    I had already downloaded this map before and looked at it, and I have to say I was shocked to see it has thousands of downloads when its an average map at best. I'll give you the reasons why its average:

    1. Far too dark to see! I couldn't even get around hardly in about half the map. If I can't walk, how could I possibly shoot people?

    2. There were at least a couple of holes in the map that I ran into. Maybe one was intentional, I doubt they all were, but either way, they seemed to be unintentional to me, and were not fun because I wasn't aware they existed.

    3. Some parts of the map, especially one part near water and the rockets, are extremely annoying to walk around on because you have to crouch under things, go underwater when you don't want to, can't jump up to see over things because the ceiling is so low, etc., etc., etc...

    4. The map doesn't feel like a mine. What kind of mine has bright neon lights all over the place? It also doesn't feel like a cave because there are so many lights and metal walls and such, and it doesn't feel like some kind of forerunner structure because there is so much rock and water all over the place. So it just feels like you used whatever objects were the right size to make a wall where there was a hole. I know you tried to theme this, but I'm saying it feels like you just used random objects that could fill the right size area.

    5. Weapon placement might as well be all the weapons in one pile in a corner, because its absolutely impossible to know where weapons are on this map. Players can forget knowing what weapons are on the map. If they just remember where one single weapon is located, how to get there, and can actually manage to get there in the dark and over the obstacles, then they're extremely lucky.

    6. Spawns are bad according to another poster since they switch back and forth.

    7. There are a million places to hide and/or camp on this map. I would hate to be a zombie on this map because it would end up impossible to find the last one or two humans, if they really tried to just hide rather than fight.

    8. There are pointless passages. Some are so small they're useless, and some are so invisible you will never see them. Only you could find them in an actual game.

    9. This map hides behind its asthetic theme. Delete the effects, and you see this map isn't that great at all. The asthetic idea is neat, but the map is poor quality because of serious design, spawn, and weapon issues.

    Overall I would give this map a 5/10, mostly just because you used some creativity with the asthetics, although I don't think the asthetics match the name very well, but maybe you do lol.

    This brings me back to my point though after giving you the reasons why I think your map is just average.

    With just an average map with serious gameplay issues, how did you get thousands of downloads? Time? Because of your asthetics? What do you think made your map popular? I'm just very curious to find out what you think.

    And I would love to see you do a second version of this map that fixes all the problems I feel like it has, or make another map similar to this one. But of course everyone might not feel like I do, and you personally are entitled to your opinion so feel free to disagree with me if you feel like your map is exactly how it should be, has no gameplay issues, and is a truly exceptional map lol. I don't mean to say your map is bad or anything like that lol. I'm just curious about the downloads because to me personally this map seems average lol.
  15. anime halo

    anime halo Forerunner
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    the map looks amazing and looks like it has good gameplay...but with the lighting and the fact you go underwater...can the players actully see the entire way through the map...and does the map end with a deadend or do they escape?
  16. krediblewitnass

    krediblewitnass Forerunner

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    nice lookn map ill download
  17. SilentJacket

    SilentJacket Forerunner
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    I gotta agree with "eating lunch", I could not figure out the map, as it was way too dark. Perhaps consider "nova" effect, if you can find room for it. I'm not asking you to redesign your map (I have had several occasions where I was forging in a place that was too dark, and had to start over, not fun.) and it truly does have a sort of "grotto" feel to it, but if i'm having to use an energy sword as a flashlight, then it's just no good for a fight.

    Suggestion: The lights in the roof of the coliseum appear to transfer through nearby objects, same goes for normal lights. perhaps you could consider that on your next map.
  18. elitebiker18

    elitebiker18 Forerunner

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    I love the idea hear. It looks like a very good map and you really made use of the water and rocks. Good job.
  19. SpreadTanTheMan

    SpreadTanTheMan Legendary

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