As the thread title suggests, this is for the discussion of Valve's Team Fortress 2, a class based shooter. In here we can discuss about favorite classes, steam names, as well as other info related to Team Fortress 2, including lulz, because this game is full of them. Like having a quirky moment on a server, or funny things a class says, it doesn't matter. Just play nice, and stay on topic,
Just saying but anyone who has played this game on Console only should leave this thread. Orange Box for Xbox < Orange Box for PC. With that being said, anyone ever hear of the map Lazytown?
First part, so true, I had orange box a couple years ago and played some tf2, then got a mac and got TF2 for lulz, and it's completely different and 10x better. Second, I haven't heard of it, do describe.
I got it about a month ago for PC. Played it on Xbox and figured PC is better. So much more stuff. I'm not very good at it though. Lol
I've been playing it for awhile now. For me, I think its great to just cycle through all the classes, as its like getting a whole new game each time. Right now, I mainly (try to) play the sniper. I'm not that great, but I'm getting increasingly better every day that I do play. Favorite class so far has been spy. So much hate, but so many points.
Lol I'm not that good myself, and I've so far tested each of the classes. To make up for my horrible skill in shooting, I've grown to love the Engineer. This gives me a time to place sentries as well as practice shooting during slow times near my sentry, without sacrificing too much team wise. Strategies for it are intense and I'm trying hard as hell to get it down, a lot of it is just practice on maps and finding good places to place your buildings. Pyros are my biggest friends so if anyone plays as one I'd love to play with you <33333 When I'm trying to push the offensive I'll also play support, like medics, but I have given demoman and scout a try, being awful at both, because I don't have the accuracy for demoman, and I don't have ADD so scout is out of question lol.
Me too, pretty badly, try messing with an easier to shoot class, like Medic, Pyro, or Engineer so you can get used to the mouse shooting. It's really practice, so using those classes should help you figure out the controls
I friggin love this game. The console version is pretty good, but it doesnt do the PC game justice. So damn fun...
I also wanted to know if anyone wanted to trade here. I haven't been playing too long, so I don't have too much, but I've been dying for the Frontier Justice. Anybody with this willing to trade would be greatly appreciated.