The Dragon's Lair

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by xx Hakeem xx, Dec 5, 2007.

  1. xx Hakeem xx

    xx Hakeem xx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is the second map I have completed so far and my personal favorite. The map was made for balanced multi flag/bomb, VIP, and infection games, but it will work with almost all variants. There are no restrictions on where you should fight with this map, every spot on the map is made to be used. The defender’s base is still inside the building like normal, but the attacker’s base is now floating high above the beach!

    The Dragon's Lair​

    Building Base​

    Beach Base
    The floating base on the beach is made of a couple of levels, each is secured so that even rockets won’t budge this thing. Inside the main entrance is a trap door, once the door is dropped access is limited to side part of the base (it could kill someone with low shields if your lucky). In order to reach the flag/bomb arm point inside the top container, you must use the gravity lift in the back of the base or scale the base from outside. Landing in the container can be a bit tricky, but it’s not necessary since you can steal the flag or plant the bomb from mid-air. Once the bomb is planted and detonates, fire rains down from the sky like the 4th of July!

    Building Base
    The team that starts in the building does not have a floating base unfortunately. To help even things out some I moved the flag/bomb arm point to the back of the base, and put a few crates and a mid-air turret around it. The turret really has an advantage against intruders since it can lay down fire from above on almost any part of the base. The team in the building also has a slight advantage at getting rockets inside the windmill.

    Misc. Map Info.
    Each team has their own shotgun, laser, sniper, gauss hog, and custom powerup along with numerous other weapons, items, and vehicles. There are also plenty of other weapons scattered across the map, and a few good sniping spots.

    More Pictures:
    Beach base back view
    Beach base side view
    Beach base below
    Beach base Bomb Arm/Flag point
    Trap door
    Building base gate side
    A Ghost enters the beach base?!
    Mongeese can fly?!

    Game Variants:
    All game variants have AR/SMG starts and a custom powerup that gives good camo, 50% shield leeching, and lasts 30 seconds. All of them can be found on my file share.

    D.L. FFA//Big Team Slayer
    â€â€25//100 kill limit
    â€â€No time limit

    D.L. Multi Flag/Bomb
    â€â€Each team has there own flag/bomb
    â€â€3 scores to win
    â€â€No time limit

    D.L. Infection
    â€â€Zombie count is 25%
    â€â€Humans have shotguns and pistols with infinite ammo
    â€â€Vehicles are disabled and weapon pickup is disabled
    â€â€Zombies have swords, 125% movement, 50% gravity, and enhanced radar
    â€â€Humans spawn by the floating base on the beach, zombies on the other side of the map
    Objective: Humans keep the zombies from getting inside the base, but this will not be easy since the zombies can almost jump over the entire base with the gravity lifts.

    Enter the Dragon
    â€â€4x 3 minute rounds
    â€â€Single sided VIP
    â€â€VIP is gold w/ 2x Overshield, 50% shield regeneration, and 110% movement
    â€â€VIP starts with a BR/shotgun, his team a BR/AR
    â€â€VIP’s and his team can pick up weapons but do not have infinite ammo
    â€â€VIP’s influence gives 110% movement and 75% gravity
    â€â€The goal is at the top of the beach base, where the attacking team spawns.
    â€â€The attacking team has BR/Brute Shots with infinite ammo, but cannot pickup weapons
    â€â€The attacking team cannot see the VIP on there HUD, the only way to tell him apart from his team is the fact that he is gold.
    â€â€Everyone can drive vehicles
    Objective: Enter Han's base and end his illegal operations (reach the goal on top of the enemy's base). This will not be easy since Bruce Lee and his apprentices will have to dodge heavy fire from Han's gang.

    A Hog Clog​

    Fire Pit​

    *If the screens do not show up, click on them.
  2. TheYavimayan

    TheYavimayan Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Screen shot not found..., no this happens for a lot of people and I do not know why
  3. xx Hakeem xx

    xx Hakeem xx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ok I finally got images hosted on another site so everything should work now.
  4. Gravedigger5454

    Gravedigger5454 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It says screenshot not found for me too, the map sounds pretty good though, I've heard about it before, it's supposedly pretty good.
  5. Wakko45

    Wakko45 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yeah I've seen this on a couple of times. I think I remember hearing good remarks. I'll try it out perhaps.
  6. ROC bioflame

    ROC bioflame Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map is very good and improved with all you can do with flaoting bases, I downlaoded it and looks like a super fun objective map, good work, i like you batman one two
  7. xx Hakeem xx

    xx Hakeem xx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the compliments! I also updated the Bat Cave and put it on my file share. Both of the updates fix some newbish mistakes I made with respawn areas, and they include some nice additions (trip mines, deployable cover, rockets).
  8. Lance001

    Lance001 Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Very, very impressive map (along with your others, I've downloaded all of them. I personally love Bat Cave). Also, your post is clean, professional, and enticing. You might perhaps consider applying as a Guilder; I would love to see more of your work featured, and to see your future pieces!

    Great job, man, great job. I really, really like the concepts and execution. Pretty, and balanced, and fun. Wow.
  9. gskellig

    gskellig Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Queued for download. Looks cool ;D
    btw for images, the best website IMO is
    I've uploaded images like 4 years ago on that website and they haven't expired. No registration, 1.5mb max file size it's awesome. They also generate a bunch of useful codes for all sorts of ****. For example they have a thumbnail thing where you copy and paste ONE code and it creates a thumbnail that links to the full image when clicked. (pro).
  10. Gravedigger5454

    Gravedigger5454 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Your pics work now, the map looks great, I'll be downloading this one.
  11. absentrabbit

    absentrabbit Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks great, a lot better then most container maps.... The only thing I don’t like is that when i hit the link to your post on to download this there were so many bumps, five in a row at one part. :-\
  12. BladedQ 5 7

    BladedQ 5 7 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This looks pretty cool, fun map too thanks for this map man.
  13. xx Hakeem xx

    xx Hakeem xx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow thanks for the compliment, I will definately inquire about becoming a guild member (how do I apply?). I have some epic map ideas I have been saving for Foundry, so be on the lookout for new maps sometime before Christmas.

    My bad about that, for some reason I thought it would be ok if they were spread over a few days. Now I have stopped bumping my maps, since it's unfair to everyone else.
  14. The Hudacris

    The Hudacris Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Your lucky. This was on the last page i just bumped it for you.
  15. Billy Reloaded

    Billy Reloaded Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow, topic resurrection much. Just to make this not spam, I shall review the map. It looks pretty cool but I don't really see a whole lot of balance. Good job on the floating fort though, those containers are so finicky.
  16. alcapone900

    alcapone900 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ive played there before.
  17. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    sounds like a fun map will dl
  18. David 118

    David 118 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    it seams to me that the guys in the building base still have it worse.

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