Remake Containment

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Jambo, Oct 11, 2010.

  1. Jambo

    Jambo Ancient
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    "Fighting for a patch of dirt abutting a wall containing a galaxy-devouring parasite may seem pointless to some, but ... um ..."

    Blue Side

    Overhead View

    YouTube - Halo Reach: My Containment Remake

    So I've been struggling with this remake for 2 weeks, after much rage and totally giving up twice, it finally started to come together yesterday.

    Whoever originally designed Containment is a *blam* genius.
    Getting something even close to feeling like the original was an absolute nightmare.

    The main problem I had was the terrain in Forge World's Blood Gulch Canyon.
    Another problem was the size of Blood Gulch, it's nowhere near the scale of Containment and I've had to reduce the size of both bases to make it fit :(

    I've changed those old silver Pyramid Mines for Landmines and although these can be hard to see they fit better than Plasma Batterys and Fusion Coils.

    I considered using a few of the FX filters to make it look snowy, but ultimately decided against it because it made it hard to tell Red Base from Blue Base and Landmines were practically invisible until you hit them.

    I couldn't figure a way to make the base doors functional. So they are permanently open at both sides.

    All Weapons, Vehicles, Powerups and Objectives are as close to the original as I could get them.

    I am happy with it, it feels like Containment to me.
    I just hope it does to you!

    Things to be fixed:
    It's impossible to get the Tank underneath the Blue side's Rocket Walkway.

    Download Link: : Halo Reach : File Details
    #1 Jambo, Oct 11, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2010
  2. willko

    willko Forerunner

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    i LOVED containment in halo 2. like you said though, finding a suitable place in forgeworld to match the size of the original just isn't gonna happen. still, looks like a solid effort from the pictures. this is definitely gonna get a download from me.
  3. firedrone8

    firedrone8 Forerunner

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    this looks awesome. my favorites were always the big maps like sidewinder and this. this map looks really cool. I hope that later theyll come out with a snow and sand forge worlds and you can make this on that
  4. Lippy

    Lippy Ancient
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    I've been waiting for somebody to tackle Containment ever since Reach came out. Seems like you did a respectable job, though I wish you could have made it just a tad bigger.

    I'm down for testing/playing this any time, by the way.
  5. LeonVIII

    LeonVIII Ancient
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    i agree about the size but im not gunna lie this is beautifully forge and stay tru to the original great job man and thanks for the remake
  6. Jambo

    Jambo Ancient
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    The BTB maps were my favourites too, I really think Bungie failed with the BTB Maps in Reach, which is why I attempted this remake.

    Me too :(


    Problem: It's impossible to get the Tank underneath the Blue side's Rocket Walkway. Unless you remove the tanks turret, which isn't really practical :)

    I will fix this if I do a v2, along with any other problems that appear...
    #6 Jambo, Oct 12, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2010

    BLACK SABBATH Forerunner

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    One man's garbage is another man's treasure. What I'm trying to say is that I thought the original Containment was too big anyway so I actually like the fact that yours is smaller! lol -I just hope the tank doesn't pwn too much. Easy enough fix though. I just remember having great rock n snipe games on this map. Nice work, dude.
  8. robbieagray

    robbieagray Forerunner

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    Me and my brother loved playing this map in halo 2. He is going to die with joy when he sees this remake. Great job. :)
  9. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    Stickied by TSB from Sunday - 2/20/11 to Sunday 2/27/11

    TGIF's and Big Team Customs, this one is a blast!
  10. Mikal7

    Mikal7 Forerunner

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    Bravo, sir. Bravo.

    You have taken initiative where others only toyed with the idea. Though your map is not perfect (no offense), you have shown the rest of us that a remake of one of the greatest maps from Halo 2 is possible. Hopefully this will spark a large-scale effort for an even better remake, not that there's anything wrong with yours.

    Everything is in the right place. I was especially amazed that you still managed to get the banshee spawns to work, even after having to decrease the scale of the bases. Also, that ravine in the middle was pure genius. I can definitely tell that this map would have made you extremely frustrated and discouraged, but thank you for not giving up.

    The only true "issue" I had with this map was extraordinarily small:
    The Rock-Cave to the right of Red Base (Facing Red Base) was a little too jagged and abrupt. Easily solved with another rock or two, but I'm not sure about your budget situation.

    And that's it. that was my only problem with the map. It plays well, it looks like the original (Structure-wise, of course), and all the little nuances from the original seem to be in there.

    Good work. This one's worth a Download.
  11. XBG SICK

    XBG SICK Forerunner

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    Jambo you make the best remakes.This your headlong,colossus and foundry are all in my collection of remakes.Im trying assembly because i cant find one any where.
  12. Jambo

    Jambo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I was going to attempt Assembly but never got around to it. Good luck with it, let me know when you're done and I'll check it out!
  13. adirtysportsmen

    adirtysportsmen Forerunner

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    Many good times were had on the original Containment, and this remake will bring many more. The fact that this remake is slightly smaller than the original is conveniently perfect for Reach's slower gameplay. You did a very neat and precise job with difficult terrain, I like that

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