Power Weapon Placement

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by IDave the Rave, Oct 12, 2010.

  1. IDave the Rave

    IDave the Rave Ancient
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    Does anybody else think that Bungie has placed the power weapons in odd places?

    In Halo 3, the power weapons all seemed to be in a position on each map which people were likely to check for a power weapon. As in, most power weapons were placed in the middle of each map.

    But in Reach, I think Bungie have made a mistake, because the power weapons seem to be placed out of the way, for example, on Powerhouse, I would never go to the current rocket spawn, if it wasn't for the fact that the rocket launcher actually spawns there, same with the shotgun on Powerhouse. But in Halo 3, the majority of power weapons were placed in areas which are commonly used, and probably would be still be used just as much if the power weapons didn't spawn there.

    So, does anybody else think that power weapon placement seems odd in Reach?
  2. Reklats

    Reklats Ancient
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    Thats it.
  3. RodziR

    RodziR Forerunner

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    Well, in some maps I have to go to forge and search the weapons. But people will learn the locations of power weapons. And I think it's good that they are in odd places. For example, if power weapon is in middle of the map, when you run to the objective you have power weapon and the objective. But if it is at the side of the map, you have to chose either going for objective or going for power weapon.
  4. D4ni3l G

    D4ni3l G Ancient
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    I've noticed a few overpowerments in reach, the worst has to be the scorpion on hemmorage. If a guy just moves it as far back as possible and sits it out just taking out veihcles, he can get a 15 killstreak easy cause it's almost impossible to take out. Not even splasers kill tanks with one shot anymore.
  5. RodziR

    RodziR Forerunner

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    Thank god they changed Scorpion to Wraith. So if anyone thinks weapon placement sucks, you can all ways report to Bungie about it and hope for the best.
  6. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    They are placing these weapons in a way to try and force player movement flow. I do the same thing. It usually works once players become familiar with the map. In halo 3, obvious placement of power weapons usually just led to a trainwreck of players colliding all for the same thing.
  7. Skisma

    Skisma Creative Force
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    Listen to Silence, he knows what he's talking about. I actually think the Rocket spawn on Powerhouse is in a great location. You wouldn't want the Rocks to be located on Top Mid because then the player can easily kill anyone in the Spillway due to his height advantage. You want a weapon like the Rocket Launcher to be at lower grounds so the player has to maneuver to a higher spot in order to do some damage with it. I do however think the weapon balance is unfair on some maps, particularly Pinnacle. Blue team gets Rockets and a Sniper, but then again it is a remake from a Halo 2 map.
  8. FlamingArmadillo

    FlamingArmadillo Forerunner

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    And shotgun, unless a Red sprints to it.
  9. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    This change is funny because when I get the wraith I can dominate just as hard as the scorpion did.
  10. FlamingArmadillo

    FlamingArmadillo Forerunner

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    Then you must play against some fail people, I mean you can stay alive as long as in a scorpion, but you can't kill people as much because the bolts are slow and dodgeable.
  11. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
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    Yeah, I think they're trying a different tactic in Reach. In Halo 3, like you said, they were in high traffic areas, or areas the stood out (Not only was the sniper on Avalanche placed in one of the highest traveled areas, but the black frame of the rifle stood out against the white snow, drawing the players eye to it). Obviously the color contrast can't always be used, so occasionally the structures around the weapon seemed to "point" to it.
    To a certain extent I use the same mindset that Reach does in placing weapons. Often times, weapons are placed in a location where they are the least useful, which promotes player movement throughout the map. For example, the shotgun on hemorrhage is placed in a grouping of rocks, where it could be useful if you encounter someone in that area, but the area around it is open space. Aside from the bases, the best areas for the shotguns to be used are the caves on the opposite side of the map.

    However, they did not do a good job of placing the weapons in a location that draws the players eye. I have yet to find the rocket launcher on Spire, and I just stumbled upon the fuel rod by chance (the spawn points and objectives for invasion either have the player immediately jumping off the ledge with the fuel rod, or going through the mancannon, not pressed up against the wall where the weapon is located).

    So yes, the weapons do promote movement to lower "camping", but it's still a pain to find them in many of the maps.
  12. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    The Rocket launcher for Invasion is on the Spartan spawn location farthest left if you're facing the Spire for Phase 2, which is also one of the Covey spawn areas for Phase 1.
    Right on the hill behind the little Covey tower that spawns a mancannon to the top of the Spire for Phase 3.
  13. Mr Lamar

    Mr Lamar Forerunner

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    Idk if it counts as a power weapon, but the shotguns on Hemorrhage are in extremely random locations
  14. FlamingArmadillo

    FlamingArmadillo Forerunner

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    Yeah, hemorrhage shottys are wierd, imo, they should be moved back to H1 spawns, and a banshee should be put in its correct spot, make it a true H1 remake
  15. RodziR

    RodziR Forerunner

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    There were no banshees in Halo CE's Blood Gulch. Only in PC version. And the shot guns are in a good spot.
  16. IDave the Rave

    IDave the Rave Ancient
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    Is it really? If a power weapon has to be placed somewhere for people to actually bother going there, should it even be part of the map?

    I don't think you've understood the point of this thread, I'm not talking about things being overpowered, but strange weapon placement.

    I know what your saying, but is creating conflict a bad thing (in a FPS)?
  17. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    In powerhouse though, it's difficult to properly contest the rockets. That area is poorly designed. A weapon like a sniper rifle would make more sense where the rockets are for several reasons. A) Rockets are effective in a narrow dead end corridor, which is exactly where they spawn. B) Snipers should be placed where they are least effective, this means a player puts himself in a disadvantageous position. That means a player is basically taking himself out of the game for a few moments. If a sniper was placed where rockets where it would give a player more choices on where they wanted to setup. As in ridge to Dormitory or DMR2. C) Rockets should be placed in area where players that are going for them can be seen from multiple angles. D) Narrow, dead end, corridors do not promote strategic or fun gameplay.

    Personally, all parts of the maps should be utilized regardless of incentives. Whether it's the high ground or quick route to get from one area to another.
  18. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    From what I've seen of many maps like powerhouse, the entire game consists of a few paths leading towards the center so bungie put power weapons out to the sides to make the expand the used area. The power weapons' placement just serves to fix problems with the map's flow.

    IIDTWYCT Ancient
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    I think if they need to put a power weapon somewhere for people to utilize that part of the map, they shouldn't put in that part of the map...

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