The Court

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by sean9636, Oct 11, 2010.

  1. sean9636

    sean9636 Forerunner

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    The Court V2

    EDIT: V2 finally here. Sorry for the wait:( Credits to Kealan 02 for helping me for coming up with the concepts of the additions for v2 as well as the design.Thanks, couldn't have done it as good without you;) I've made some changes on the gametype objectives as well as reworked on some parts of the mini base.
    Update list:
    Support for 2v2v2v2 games
    Addition of two mini bases for the orange and green teams.
    More routes to and fro bases to offer more variety in gameplay.

    Hey everyone:)This is my first time at forging so any suggestions or criticism would be really appreciated.The Court is a symmetrical,team slayer and 2 flag based map.Since halo 3 ive always wanted to build a straightforward,symmetrical 2 team based map.i was really impressed and inspired by forge maps like Onslaught and mlg Stockpile but being a forge noob in halo 3 i couldn't go as far than intersect 2 blocks together..With forge 2.0 making life a heck lot easier, i thought why not i give it a shot at forging again in reach:)

    12x DMRs
    2x Sniper Rifle
    1x Shotgun
    2x Grenade Launchers
    2x Plasma Repeating
    6x Needle Rifles
    2x Plasma Pistols
    2x Assault Rifles
    1x Rocket Launcher
    Loadout cam.
    top view.the shotgun spawns inside the central cave.players can also pick off shots at enemies on the bridges from atop the dish.
    Lower center playing ground.Rocket launchers spaws at center.All bases are also accessible through here.

    Shotgun cave.Also a direct route from red to blue base.
    Red base top level.
    Red base lower floor.shield doors to try to prevent spawn killing from rocket launcher.There's also a walkway at the sides of each base providing access to one of the mini bases.
    lower floor's the initial spawn room and flag home.Sniper spawns here.
    beside the stairs from the lower floor are two walkways connecting the red to blue base while also providing some access to the mini bases. grenade launchers spawns at the center on each bridges.
    Orange base.The walkways from the lower floors of the red and blue bases connects to here. [​IMG]
    Orange base lower level.A DMR spawns in this room while a plsma repeater spawns just outside the shield doors.
    Orange base top level.2 DMR spawns here as well as 2 plasma grenade.Here is also where most of the orange team initially spawn.

    i still couldnt figure out how to designate a hill for non-moving koth games thus i only support crazy let me know any tips or feedbacks so i can improve my map and thanks for reading!
    #1 sean9636, Oct 11, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2010
  2. Kealan 02

    Kealan 02 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Not a bad map, but with , only three paths to and from each base, there isn't much chance for variety, but I will give suggestions for a possible plan of action on a V2.

    Add a small but reasonably sized base on the outside of the two outer walkways. This base would preferably also have a lower floor as opposed to a higher one, and then you can build another bridge extending from where we you can see the Cover_Crenelation in the last picture.
    Not only will this add another means of getting from one base to another, but it will also make it compatible with 2 v 2 v 2 v 2 games.
    I would then suggest putting a rocket launcher with no spare clips in this base as opposed to the sniper rifle in the original bases, and just carry on the weapon scheme form the previous two bases there.

    Then just add the cool ascetics you did for the first two bases and you will have a far better map (IMO).

    Great work, and keep forging!
  3. sean9636

    sean9636 Forerunner

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    Thanks alot for the feedback!:) had a similar idea too when ive realised i couldnt fit in spawns for other teams.Though with only about $2000 worth of budget, it would be kinda hard to recreate aesthetics for the two new bases.Especially when ive used up everything from the Decorations category.. I will try to see is whether is there anything else i can do.
  4. Shovelspoon

    Shovelspoon Ancient
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    Visually, it's a great map. I do have to agree with the above post though. With only 3 ways to get across the map, and not much cover in between, I can see some very frustrating games going on. It DOES look great though. I'll give it a download and see how it plays.

    +1 for addition of another base, if you have enough budget left.
  5. Kealan 02

    Kealan 02 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Holy Hell, 100 Decorative items? That is too high to call a lot!

    If you where to add on those bases, you'd need to slightly reduce the awesomely unnecessary amount of decorative pieces, and add less to the other base.

    But even with all of these budget cuts you still cannot afford two new bases, try and build one underneath the dish, using the antenna as a centrepiece for it. Connect it on from the place where the window that the sniper is leaning against, by removing the window and maybe just moving the sniper onto the floor in front of the window. Maybe even have a cannon man lifting the player up to the main level.

    This map has such great potential to be improved, so much that I may even try it myself!

    Added after 2 Days 21 Hours:

    Well it turns out I did do it myself, and it would be in your best interests to go and have a look and see if you approve of my changes. Whether you like or dislike it, I will be keeping my version.

    Here is the Download Link
    #5 Kealan 02, Oct 15, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2010
  6. sean9636

    sean9636 Forerunner

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    hey kealan.noted your suggestion but didnt know u tried editing it yourself haha.will dl to check it out:)i probably wont be online agn to update this map till aft mid november after my exams..rly sorry to all reviewers and anyone viewing this thread.i will try to come back as soon as possible!
  7. Kealan 02

    Kealan 02 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    And I haven't been here for a while.
    Well it looks like you endorsed my changes yet no one seems to care. It is a general rule of Forge Hub, if your map isn't on the front-page, no one cares. Maybe this un-intentiaonl bump will get it some of the attention it deserves, but other wise, shame on you Forge Hub. If this bump doesn't work at getting you more attention, just re-upload the map as a new thread, seeing as it is a new version, and maybe people will notice.

    Glad I could help anyway. I still had fun making those changes and telling all of the friends that joined to bugger-off with a boot to the backside, even if it was all for nothing.

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