
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Kitchener Kobra, Oct 11, 2010.

  1. Kitchener Kobra

    Kitchener Kobra Forerunner

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    This is Drainoid. It has a terrible name, but its an awsome map. You'll probably like it :)
    I spent over 12 hours working on it trying to get it the way I liked it.


    The map features multiple floors to navigate and control.

    It has multiple ways to get around quicker via Portals / The 3 Part Gravity-lift Apparatus (lol @ apparatus) / Or by way of foot.

    At the top floor which can only be accessed through the lift or portals there is a trampoline (1 way shield door) to allow for interesting gun fights and disable top floor advantage of picking off the poor souls at the bottom.


    The map has been tested for maximum "funness" for the majority of gametypes.
    Slayer/TeamSlayer/Oddball/Stockpile/King Of The Hill/Territories/Assualt/CTF etc.

    Modifications to the map are made depending on some of the game types to balance the playing field depending on the gametype. (Cover is added to territories that need them / Shield & 1 Way doors added to most objective game types to balance things out and make playing more fun.)

    Anyways I spent over 12 hours on the map to get it right so leave some feedback and tell me what you think.

    #1 Kitchener Kobra, Oct 11, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2010
  2. RunTime83

    RunTime83 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'm going to download it just because of the name. No, it looks very interesting and nicely put together. I will check it out and get back to you. I recommend putting up more pics though.
  3. Kitchener Kobra

    Kitchener Kobra Forerunner

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    Ya i know i need more pics these hardly do it justice. Gotta upgrade to a bungie pro account to get more fileshare space. Ill likely get around to uploading more pics tho. I was in a hurry to get this and my other map up on here cause i was excited to show it off :p Thanks for checking it out tho

    Added after 1:

    P.S. This is my 3rd Serious Reach Forge Map - 2nd one mysteriously went missing off my xbox :(
    #3 Kitchener Kobra, Oct 11, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2010

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