Todayyy I Bring You... [HD] Jenga!!! Sorry it took a while, I actually finished like last week... its just that now it takes forever for bungie to update my recent screenshots section. About the name... it is proven that putting HD in your name now days gets you more views... and to show the quality of the work. Within a day of its release I had new ideas... so drop v1.1 and pick up v2.0 baby *v2.0 updates* -Better angles of attack for the items (not so lame anymore) -Added a destructo ball above tower (spawns at 100 secs... may/maynot aid zombie) -Added V2 in the signature (loadout camera) -Removed one of the lights and repositioned the other in the middle I have noticed that my gametype downloads are twice as much as my map downloads... wtf? I have upgraded both map and gametype and some people have downloaded the gametype but not the map...? if you are one of those then please DL both map&gametype to maximize pleasure. Overall Another angle View from "the dude who knocks down stuff"'s playing field. View from the "Survivors" jenga tower Balls are good for a start Stay behind the barrier when meleeing the mongoose' and youll be safe from flying into the ocean. the not so secret tele that takes you to weapon x Weapon X BadBoy 1 BadBoy 2 Cabooom! Destructoball Secret door that you cant get into...aesthetics only Enjoy! PS: Please DL and Recommend to friends. Help me try to get on the most DL'd Thanx Visual Pleasure
YAYYYYY!!! i loved this gametype and I'm so happy for someone to finally make it looks good, but i don't get how you push stuff through the redness, isn't that one-way exit only? Also, interested in me making a drive or die map?
Well the One Way shields only apply to vehicles and players, not objects. They help aid against accidental suicide. and also if it looks red to you you might want to fix you tv/computer settings so that they appear orange(normal)... either that or I was the wrong one and I need to fix my tv/comp settings
I love Jenga, it was popular with me and my friends. Now we got an awesome map. The map I have downloaded sucks, but this one is much like the first one. Great job.
Looks really good, I loved this in Halo 3 and had great fun changing it by adding in heaps of random objects to spawn at random times. Wraith attack FTW! But anyways, I will download this later. It looks quite fun.
My friends and I have enjoyed the hell out of version 1. I'm definitely getting your updated version, and recommending it for download. It really was genius how you figured out how to stack stuff that isn't concrete barriers and was brittle like this and worked out this well. Keep it up fortress, digging the loadout camera too.
Jenga has always been a popular gametype of Halo 3. I personally felt that Jenga was clustered, and and times stale. I will in fact, give this map a try though. I'm extremely interested in how the new movable objects act, and the way this map plays out. Hope I can return with a good review.
Hi hater, thanks for the passionate response from such a pro jenga player, sorry if I disappointed any other pro jenga fans with my "despicable" map. I will try to improve... - Love FORTR3SS Added after 2 Days: yo bro, feel the same here... it is always better to have more people playing to help it feel more fun i guess.