Remake Halo 4

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by FpSbLacKshaRK, Sep 12, 2010.

  1. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    I wouldn't worry about all these bro's in here. The halo variant is fun, and they just jelly because they don't have reach. I've got this queued for DL, and the first custom I will play with friends is this, seeing as I know it will be fun, and is readily available.
  2. oh knarly

    oh knarly Ancient
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    Woah, is everyone having a collective angry day or something. yeah the map isn't the best but did you expect the first map posted to be feature worthy? Give the guy a break.

    Shark, i don't really need to comment on the flaws as people have been more than happy to do that but looks like it would be fun for a while but maybe next time try to put more time and thought into your map.
  3. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    The original Halo on Halo was very poorly crafted, but it was fun for a short while... and was named appropriately for it's shape. Most of the other variants were botched up by adding on to a track that was already at the perfect length. Most of them didn't even resemble a "halo" shape anymore.

    I, myself, made edits to the original map... but not to the track. I edited the sniper tower to keep the sniper from committing suicide. That was the biggest game play flaw I saw in the original.

    I actually enjoyed the game type on the original track and got tired of seeing the edits made to the original map, so I created my own variant called Sidewinder from scratch and addressed the issues that I saw with the original map.

    Instead of 1 track, I made 2 tracks that constantly twist around each other and had different jumps and obstacles. This made the map more challenging for both the drivers and the sniper. It also gave it more variety because you could jump down and switch tracks. It helped break down the monotony the original map had. I also made multiple human sniper towers so the zombie couldn't camp the human teleporter.

    You apparently did nothing to improve on the issues of the original. This is a boring track and you don't address the largest issue of a zombie jumping to his death to avoid getting sniped at the end.

    If you plan on doing a remake of a map, be sure to address the issues of the map... and come up with your own name for chrissakes. The only time you should be using the same name as the original map is when you make edits to the original.
  4. Transactionzero

    Transactionzero Ancient
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    Let me remind everyone, that the same rules apply here as they apply in the Halo 3 map forums.
  5. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
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    I shall review this map as I would any other map! Hurray!

    So you took a gametype which has been several times in Halo 3 and recreated it but badly? I get the idea of the game, humans drive around the "Halo" and try to destroy the infection at the end. The zombie has to knock players off the track using their long range weapons.

    So why is there a health pack? I thought you could only die by being knocked off the Halo? I've played a version which had a sniper rifle but that was more useful for hitting the mongoose off course than it was for getting headshots!
    What I'm saying is you shouldn't need health packs because players are either alive and driving or they've been knocked off and are dead.

    Now the Forgery. Reach gives you much more control over positioning the objects but I think the Halo map in Halo 3 had a smoother curve than this and I looked at the full sized version of the first screenshot and it doesn't even look like you've managed to create a flat pathway!

    The pathway also seems to be the same all the way round. Halo 3's version gradually got harder because of the different shaped walls. Yours just seems to be flat all the round with the odd jump here and there.

    The game idea is simply but I think you still could have put more thought in to this.
  6. FpSbLacKshaRK

    FpSbLacKshaRK Forerunner

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    Someone will have to do the versions that marked epoch in halo 3-And this I was I. I have 4 maps mas created that subire now and tomorrow when it proves them.
  7. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Holy ****, there's so many cards in here, it's like a prison football match turned brawl! -.-

    I think for the first map for reach on forgehub, this is actually to a higher standard than I thought, the forging looks clean; Whether that be reach's tools or what, I dunno.

    I would have liked to see something more different than the same old halo rings in reach. You could have played with the new gametypes and played with the new physics. Just a simple ring is just plain.

    Originality I would give you a 0
    But for the quality of map and for being first (but still keeping a nice standard) I would give you a 4.

    I hope everyone else follows suit and doesn't post their maps with no effort. But as I said, if it is Reach's tools that brought the map to this standard then I think it is for the best.
  8. RedNeck

    RedNeck Ancient
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    Any posts from here on out that are not within the rules will recieve a perm-infraction.
  9. Julenissen666

    Julenissen666 Ancient
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    I just wanna add a suggestion: try to make the race track go down, because its pretty sick driving vehicles downhill in Reach. Driving the first civillian vehicle was so much fun :)
    Ive had the game since the 9th and im working on a zombie map(kinda like the the city map) and a preview is going to be up here soon, but i dont know if i can put previews up on this section or if it belongs in the forge discussion section?
    EDIT: im gonna download the map now :)
    #29 Julenissen666, Sep 13, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2010
  10. FpSbLacKshaRK

    FpSbLacKshaRK Forerunner

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    Thank you. You have reason, it is slightly original, but it wanted to do the faithful map to his creator without modifying it in any aspect.
  11. StreetSoccer12

    StreetSoccer12 Ancient
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    This map was pretty fun, when I played with a few of my friends. But, it wasn't very constructed well. There were many flaws with the map, if you had took your time Im sure this map could have been more loads of fun. The main frustrating part of the map though, was that mega jump to the rock. It was just impossible to make it! Also if you fell, it was still possible to survive. You could had at least placed a death barrier below it, same with the infected zombie.
    Besides all that though, I would love to see a v2 of this map. I also highly recommend testing it as well. Overall decent job!
  12. Gamerguy45

    Gamerguy45 Ancient
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    This is a mini-game, I come to casual for infection game-types! I hate this so much, I rarely go to casual and everybody posts there minigame here...
  13. Twilighttail

    Twilighttail Forerunner
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    This thread suffers as I've just tried it out.

    1: Way too many spawns concerning the amount of mongooses there are there.

    2: Placement of spawns could be better.

    3: Road is too bumpy. It should be flat so you don't always have the anxiety of being thrown off when you're driving greatly.

    4: Mine throws it off. Why place only 1 so near the beginning? It should be the zombie who kills, not some random object.

    5: First ramp often sent me crashing into the ceiling of the next hut. Hut needs to be higher, or ramp needs to be further.

    6: The jump through rock. The 1-way barrier before slows you down too much to make it to the other side. Ramp needs to be higher or longer to accommodate the sudden slowdown.

    7: The 1-Way door after the rock jump, even if you COULD jump it, really screws up the second tilted ramp.

    8: The Two Wheel track after the last 1-Way shield is a neat idea, but are placed too far apart to actually drive on. Also quite uneven.

    9: The teleporters are off and not on the ground, causing you to have to jump to teleport.

    All in all, it's pretty sub par. 3/10 overall, but seeing how you can't even get to the zombie, it's pretty much unplayable.
  14. One iiNSANE Kid

    One iiNSANE Kid Forerunner

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    What is this?

    No kill zones.
    No snipers.
    The sniper can escape.
    You can't make the jumps.
    The support beams are uneven.
    It's just horrible.
  15. jakey babs

    jakey babs Ancient
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    the gametype and map are extremely broken...If you want to know why just look at some of the other comments but for some constructive critisim I would say try and forge one where the shooter can have a sniper and the map is built cleaner with smoother curves and obstacles. other than the congrats at first post i have nothing left to congratulate sorry.
  16. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    I love this map. Its the only Halo map ive played in Reach that feels good.

    The forging is excellent. The map is well thought out and the sniper isnt overpowered. However, Id advise adding a Soft Kill Boundary at the start, because people do indeed like jumping down and hiding behind the rock...
  17. One iiNSANE Kid

    One iiNSANE Kid Forerunner

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    I'm guessing you didn't play this map?
    Their is no sniper, and the forging is far from excellent.
  18. Random11714

    Random11714 Ancient
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    Honestly, you should read your own signature.

    I 100% agree.
    #38 Random11714, Oct 2, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2010
  19. JDB95

    JDB95 Ancient
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    I loved playing this game split screen in Halo3 all the time, and this doesn't really recreate the fun like i would have hoped a remake would. The Zombie needs a sniper rifle, and the fact that the track is not curved makes it much more difficult to follow the driver on the map. The loadouts are really random, and it is too difficult to make the jump onto the rocky section. All in all, needs work, something that can remake that feel the map had in Halo 3.
  20. Giroro

    Giroro Forerunner

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    abit of a problem

    even tho im new to this site but to tell you the truth : 1. no kill area when falling off the map 2. it seems when playing it that its been poorly made keep up the good work on editing it tho

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