Alright, so my idea behind this map is a group of enslaved Elites rebel against their Spartan overlords. They first destroy the wall keeping them inside. And that's where I'm at right now. Here's a video displaying that: [bungievid]5982833[/bungievid] What I plan to do next is to make an office complex that the Elites take over on the island. Then, they take some mining explosive (a bomb) and bring back to the mine and detonate it. I'm open to ideas for the office complex and for tuning the mine asthetics. I do have plenty of budget left (about 7500), but no rocks
That looks pretty awsome. I do think that it's quite far to run with a bomb and there's only one way to get to the plant spots. However if you gave the elites enough firepower whilst still giving the Spartans a chance it could work. Also, as a side note - how did you embed the rendered video? I always get error messages when I try
First off, thanks for the feed back. The mongooses (which you see in the beginning of the video) are for aiding the Elites transport the bomb in the beginning, although I might replace it with a Warthog or Reverent. As for the the ways to get to the bomb, I'm thinking about halving the large cave area, with a way in between the halves. My main concern with that is a crowded cave area, which might interfere with the mongooses I have for the offense. I might remove the rock arches at the side of the cave to free up some space for potential spawn space for spawning. That would also free up some rocks, which I could use to place near the "Rock Gate" so that it simulates an explosion better. You can also see that I have made a small cliff that prevents the Spartans from encroaching onto the Elite's spawn area. Plus, it gives a natural, cave/mine feel to it. As for weapons, I haven't considered it enough, although I will say that the Spartans won't get a turret in the big cave area, so that they won't just sit back and hold the trigger at the Elites. Maybe a Grenade Launcher or Plasma Pistol to go against the vehicles. Also, I haven't began to build the office complex outside of the mine. I need to start on that, or get some input first. Let's just say there's still theories at work on this map EDIT: I need to find that thread about video embeds. I'll put the link when I see it.
Very nice with the cave. It has a dark, gloomy, oppressed look that I really like. I can't wait to see the rest of it. And I can completely empathize with the rock situation you're in... 50 seems like a lot until you realize you need 100..
I think I just pooped a little. What settings did you enable to allow the wall to be destroyed in a such a manner? I'd like to do that in a map I had in mind. Looks awesome btw, surely this will be a blast when finished.
Two things: 1) Clean yourself up. 2) This only works in Invasion. Basically, go up to any ordinary object in Forge mode, go to "Advanced Settings" and select "Game Label". If you choose "Inv_Gate", that object will function as a real gate, and disappear as soon as that phase of Invasion is completed.