People say that if make an objective object go into a kill zone it will reset that object. Well even when I test setting the ball as lets say and STP_Goal, when it goes into the kill zone nothing happens...Does anyone know of a sure fire way to get a ball to reset if it goes where you don't want it too? I want to make it so if by any chance the ball goes outside of the arena it will reset back to it's original spawn point
Are you testing this in Forge? It also might be when it goes outside of a safe zone, rather than inside a kill.
nothing is working...i've tried kill zones, safe zones, normal balls, balls set as objectives...nothing resets the ball.
I think they at least reset if they fall in the water. I know this works for flags and such but I'm not sure about and objective object like a ball.
I've tried knocking the ball into the water, nothing happened. This really can't be impossible to reset a ball. Of all the simple ideas to leave out bungie.
I know that it was already asked, but you didn't answer it explicitly. Did you try this in forge or custom games (the kill barrier)? Kill barriers don't work in forge.
Objects should respawn upon touching a kill barrier. Have you tried adding a safe zone just to double check?
The problem is that you're not talking about an oddball- correct? You're talking about a soccer ball or golfball set as a team's scoring zone- right?
Correct, I am talking about a golf ball/soccer ball. No matter what I do I cannot get those things to reset.
oOOOh In that case, no it won't reset. You'll just have to wall in the map. Carried objective items reset when they leave the safe area, your soccer ball won't.