I was brainstorming ideas for my other map when I decided to build this one. It's intended for Grifball. Feel free to download it and use your own gametypes with it, etc. I put some basic spawn points down but really haven't tested a live Grifball match with it yet, I just wanted to know what you guys think of the actual stadium so far. I also put 2 goals into the map, I still need to figure out how to make a ball return system for Soccer. Pictures: The playing field. I thought the grid as a window really added alot. I saw alot of stadiums that were just 4 walls and a floor, but I think its really cool that you can see the landscape and Halo as youre battling on the ground floor. Well that's it, let me know what you think guys
not to be rude, but a ton of these have already been made and are all over the place from a looks stand point they also have you beat. since the map is only going to be a square, try to make they walls more fancy because as of right now anyone could easily make a simple box with grid windows.
Yeah I know there's a ton haha. I definitely am not done with this yet, as you can see the bottom support of the stadium is incomplete, I plan on adding some more visual effects inside of the stadium and maybe some buildings outside like built into the mountains that you can see from inside the stadium.
If you're not done, then why'd you post it? Just sayin you should probably finish your map before you post it here on FH... for everyone's benefit. Good luck! I like how you used the grid for a giant window. Makes it a bit different from the other arenas
I lik the idea of the window, but the interior looks especially bland as the previous poster has said. maybe add some wall decorations like the ones in the Foundry Grifball maps form Halo 3?
Although a lot of maps like this have been made, I have taken quite a liking to this one, It is a very clean map. My only critisism is that I feel you should add more of an aesthetic ideal on this or this will just fall straight to the bottom of the pile.