
Discussion in 'Reach Aesthetic Maps' started by Aesthetic Forger, Oct 9, 2010.

  1. Aesthetic Forger

    Senior Member

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    @ all the people who want to do some forginz with me, sorry I'm afraid I'll have to cancel as I'm quite busy with school as of now.


    Inheritance is a type CCS - Class Covenant battle cruiser stationed above one of the many islands across one of the many Forerunner installations. Gathering data on this installation for further advancement in current covenant technology.

    Yes this is in the Aesthetic section, as my name goes, although I would like to start getting into more playable maps :), this is not truly playable. Its set up to play slayer or team slayer but there's not enough stuff inside the ship to really provide a truly fun experience. I'm just thankful that at long last I'm able to post this.

    Due to Bungie's servers being overloaded or something along those lines, my screenshots weren't uploading to my Bnet so I could eventually post them here in this thread. Now they have, so without further adeu...
    Some overviews

    Main Floor[​IMG]
    Lower deck

    So there you have it. Please give me feedback, also please! If you reply also say what you think I should make next! I'm running out of ideas xD.

    Quick comparison shots
    #1 Aesthetic Forger, Oct 9, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2010
  2. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
    Senior Member

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    oh oh oh oh oh my god.

    This looks incredible from the screenies, I'll take a look closer in game later but you've managed to do something I never thought anyone would even attempt yet- forge a covie ship. I almost feel like not releasing my frigate sometime in the next couple of days...

    great job dude, we should coforge a ship at some point :D
  3. Aesthetic Forger

    Senior Member

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    Haha thanks. I'm down, also I have a frigate to release as well but it probably won't be for another week or so even though it's also already on my fileshare. Also, how do I make the little thumbnail picture when your choosing a thread to read?
  4. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Just go EDIT>Advanced and above the text body there should be a thing that says: Thumbnail URL and then you just put the URL of whatever image you want as the thumbnail.

    just checked your ship out btw, it's great. Some spots that could be patched up here and there but the size makes up for it. I absolutely love the ship's bridge btw.
    #4 Rifte, Oct 9, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2010
  5. Aesthetic Forger

    Senior Member

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    Yeah, I found it, the only thing though is that it won't show up. It's just a black screen when I check it. Maybe the pictures too big? At first I thought you had to put the URL code in for it, and then I saw Spawn of Saltine's instructional on it just now. :S still not working.

    EDIT: Yeah, there are some spots that have holes that I didn't actually notice until I had already put it up on my fileshare and had already gotten 50 some DL's. Oh well. I tried to make it 'air tight' with the shield doors on the entrances/exits to get on top of it, also to keep out banshees from flying inside. Only to realize of course, that now vehicles can go through shield doors, not to mention the entrances/exits to get inside if you break off both wings.
    #5 Aesthetic Forger, Oct 9, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2010
  6. The Haptic

    The Haptic Forerunner

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    Whoa, looks amazing. One of the few very good ones I have seen coming out. High quality stuff. I would be surprised if someone topped this. The outside (in my mind) looks perfect. The inside looks good enough but could be better (I would understand if you hit a limit). Keep it up, with enough luck this could be in top 10 downloaded, and then you would be truly famous!
  7. xSoGx Grim

    xSoGx Grim Commander

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    well here we go, This has to be one of the more accurate cruisers if not the most.
    Do have to be honest, the outside is a bit rought, but alrigning objects for aesthetic pieces is a whole different ballgame, trust me lol i know..
    You dropped a great deal of detail for the interior set up. I love the command chair and its placement! not to mention the screens. Would be sweet to see a disabeld killball as a luminary for a planet.
    I have no doubt that if you were to remake this next week, you would already know what works and what doesnt. And the ship would come out even more badass than it is now. Don't get me wrong there is no need for a remake, this is great.
    Looking forward to seeing more from you.

    And lol Rifte where's my MAC cannon on the frigade?!
  8. Aesthetic Forger

    Senior Member

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    Thanks! I have almost hit the limit. There's roughly $900 left and the original goal was to create the most accurate, and hopefully playable as a secondary goal CCS-cruiser. I believe I hit the first goal but the second, not so much. I'm pretty much out of most of the items that would make the inside more playable, and also there are if you have a jetpack, a great many of small nooks and crannies that people could fly into. So I chose to make it simply for a small little slayer game.

    I wish I had enough to make Invasion work on it, or even assault with one team spawning on the island and the other in the ship.
    Thanks, I wasn't all too sure about what the inside of the bridge of a CCS looked like, other than in Halo:CE where (if you played Halo:CE that is) there was a invisible elite with an energy sword in the "control room". I tried to make the sword room a little bit like that room, but it didn't have a feel of a real bridge/control room so I made what is the control room on Inheritance in the front. One of the most important additions would be to add more interior space to create a better slayer experience. It's just too open.
    #8 Aesthetic Forger, Oct 9, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2010
  9. Vbdude

    Vbdude Ancient
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    This map looks very fun, is this actually playable with slayer though? I mean, are there weapons and spawns placed throughout the map so this can be like a fully fledged Elite Slayer map ?

    I'll give this a DL either way :)
  10. TheGreatHibiki

    TheGreatHibiki Ancient
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    Man this makes my covie ship look .... really really sad. Of course mine has a full loadout of stuff for an invasion game. If I ever remake it you have truly inspired me to make it more like this. a real covie looking ship indeed. Downloaded for certain.
  11. Aesthetic Forger

    Senior Member

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    It's 'playable' but its not really playable. It has spawns and weapons etc, but I honestly doubt that it will be a great/ fun experience. It has some needle rifles around, a sniper on each side, and a focus rifle in the bottom.
    xD keep at it. The hardest part is to build the outside and attempt to keep it as curvy as a covenant ship is. After you get the basic body of it and the outside done, its an easy ride.
  12. D4ni3l G

    D4ni3l G Ancient
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    Wow, that's seriously nice. love how it looks like a covenant ship on the inside too, really accurate. I can't believe you made a ship this big and detailed inside with the budget. The only fault i can give this is that sonetimes pieces from the outside stick out in the inside, but it really is one of my favorite ship maps so far. well done.
    #12 D4ni3l G, Oct 10, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2010
  13. GameTime49

    GameTime49 Forerunner
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    the map looks good on the inside and outside
    i see alot of maps that make a ship but dont put an inside so i really like what you did here. 1 thing that i can say is that i can pick out a plethora of small spots where there are little lips hanging out of the top. The bottom of the ship is solid
  14. GR4YH4MM3R

    GR4YH4MM3R Forerunner

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    Very nice, this is a well done ship. the exterior is nicely done, i had always been worried that the forerunner parts would take away from the appearance of Covy ships, but no, you were able to work around that. The only things that i would say could use improvement are the placing of the rooms on the interior. Covenant ship bridges are in the middle of the ship (this was commented on in one of the books) but other than that, i think it's a well forged ship
  15. Aesthetic Forger

    Senior Member

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    Yeah, I had to use what I had to finish the inside, and some of the pieces stuck out.

    The plethora of small spots, covered in above ^. And yeah the bottom of the ship is solid, it's just I didn't have enough to completely solidify all of it to make sure there aren't any nooks and crannies around that people can hide in. Of course it shouldn't matter because this map isn't really playable, but if you grab a jetpack and fly around for a little bit and look in corners and areas that are a little off to the side, you can find spots that are hide-able. Maybe if someone makes a hide and seek gametype they could use my map ^_^.

    I remember in Truth & Reconciliation where the "command center" was in the center of the ship'ish and there was the invisible sword-elite. I tried to semi- remake that and that's what the sword room is in the middle is supposed to represent. I felt that it didn't really seem like much of a control room or command center/bridge so that's why I put it in the front.
  16. Th3

    Th3 Forerunner

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    Anybody have an extra pair of pants?
  17. Big Adio

    Big Adio Forerunner

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    you are AMAZING! Awesome job.

    OFFICER NASTY T Forerunner

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    HOLY FLIP THIS IS EPIC. but i think you should change one thing if u do any more covy ships(please do). i don't think many people know this but the covanent put their bridges at the center of their ships. this isn't really much of a problem as the map is still epic and you seemed to have accidentally included it anyway(see pic wit raised platform wit elite on it) but if you want to make it moar authentic an stuff, thats the way to go. P.S. Rifte i am a big fan of ur maps.
  19. Aesthetic Forger

    Senior Member

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    Lol. Thanks for the comment, but please remember that when posting on someones map you should give them more specific feedback. same @ Big Adio
    Noted, I've been trying to get some other covy ships in the works but its hard to make something small and curvy, it was much easier to do this than it is for me trying to do a Corvette. I agree, Rifte is excellent.
  20. firedrone8

    firedrone8 Forerunner

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    this looks really cool, myself i was going to make this aftr my other map with a corvette. any chance you could help me with the corvette? its going to be a little chalenging. it has to be set up for gameplay as well...

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