
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by stormRecon 2, Oct 11, 2010.

  1. stormRecon 2

    stormRecon 2 Forerunner

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    Tidal 2.0

    Hey guys,

    I recently finished alpha testing a map I made in forge on the lagoon.

    The alpha test ended with some changes to weapons and spawns but nothing major.

    Since then I have made the map playable with, Team Slayer, Neutral Bomb Assault, Multi Flag CTF and unnecessarily; King of the Hill.

    Anyway the map is very loosely based of narrows and is more of a Halo 3 style map.

    Weapons on map:
    -Sniper x2
    -Shotgun x2
    -DMR x2
    -Needle Rifle x2
    -Overshield x1 (spawns at 120 sec)

    Recommended for 4v4s

    Tidal 2.0 Fileshare Link

    screenshot 1

    screenshot 2

    screenshot 3

    screenshot 4

    screenshot 5

    Anyway, any constructive criticism is always appreciated.
    Every comment goes towards the creation of a better overall map.

    I hope the thumbnail works this time... 3rd times the charm?

    Added after 4 minutes:

    wish someone would atleast look at it....
    #1 stormRecon 2, Oct 11, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2010
  2. SolublePanic

    SolublePanic Forerunner

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    Well, you must have embedded screenshots to begin with. It's against the rules not to.
    I will download this and check it out when I have the time.
  3. Spartanchief34

    Spartanchief34 Forerunner

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    You do know you could have edited your first post instead of posting your map three time. Also, as for the embeding of you pics yuo nedd to bo to bungie.net, save your pics on your computor or a flashdrive, then you need to upload them on to a site like photobucket or imageshark, then you need to find and copy the direct code for the pic(should include the jpg), now you post the directlink with the , like this [​IMG], notice there are no spaces between yuor link an the brackets. For mor ehelp with embedding screne shots go here. If you need help with the codes, go here, this last site is very helpful and include some example at the bottom, go luck!

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