This map was inspired by boarding action. However it is somewhat different as this is not a remake. Lower Bases Sword Bridge On with the description! a few key things to note there is a teleporter in each base that takes you to the above floors, on the other side. From there you can take the man cannon to the sniper areas (where you can grab a concussion rifle mid flight) From here you can over look most of the map. Another key thing to note is the rocket spawn, it's rather close to where you spawn in the begining of the game for each team, however to combat the op that would occur in that you could own the whole team quite quick ive included a risk for reward type of deal here. In that if you do go for the rockets you best be aware of stray grenades as the launchers placed neatly ontop of a fusion coil platform. Ive not fully tested this map for all game modes so if you find a game braking flaw please dont hesitate to comment. (also note this is my first time posting and attempting to make a competive map so be gentle) Thanks for reading/downloading/posting =] Oh yes heres a link to a few pictures of the map that ive taken. ImageShack Album - 4 images
You must have at least one picture showing the map in your thread or it will be locked in 24 hours I believe, but chances are it will be knocked off page one before then. Heres the link to help you learn how to post pictures:
oh so the thumbnail picture that at the start doesnt count? Alright cool thanks for letting me know =]